- OpenFire is an artillery-strategy game, possibly including risk-like mechanics when choosing levels to play (alternatively, choose a route for you offensive, get penalized for stopping and re-planning - suggestions?)
- Written with SDL
- Network multiplayer might happen at some point in the future
- It attempts to be mostly realistic
- Both arena and campaign modes
- The above picture is a mockup, as the game engine cannot yet handle all the various objects required.
- It is designed to be highly expandable, with bucketloads of XML defined stuff (including graphical menu system)
- Unfortunately the programmer (RRGreen) is rather busy at the moment, and it is unlikely that a presentable version will be ready for the rebirth compo
- A good proportion of the graphics required are already in place.
- Ideally, it should be completely GPL compatible
- Music and sound effects are missing, contributions / helpful people are welcome
- No public release yet, as the game is unplayable, and the source is kludgetastic, but I can email people the graphics if they are interested.
Its not unambitious, but how do you eat an elephant? One byte at a time!" (I wouldn't make a good comedian would I?)
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