And you thought your locked luggage was safe

Already knew this... I basically don't bother securing my luggage since they can get into if they want to anyway. I also think that the more lock you put on the more some subconcious cues will trigger for them to pick your case...
I don't put valuables into checked luggage.  When I can I avoid checking any luggage.  I am not really a fan of zippers in general, as they are a single point of failure, and I have had a few fail.  My wife already knew this pen trick, and said how to do it as soon as he pulled it out.

I need to make sure to find a good place to keep my grenades.  Pelican case ftw.

Thanks for the info.
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I don't put valuables in luggage either. The thing that scares me though, and probably all Australians (given the corby case - even though thats probably untrue), is that someone could use this trick to place drugs in your bag so that you become a drug mule without even knowing it.   That's the scary thing.
There's nothing new in this trick... you can do it with a variety of tools, too. 

And that's precisely why the ground staff tells you NOT to put valuables in your checked luggage. :)
lol, nice trick, since the various assortiment of lockpicks on his bench I was thinking he'll just pick the lock... but well it's so much better this way :)
Locked luggage is not always safe.  I have found this out first hand when I got my luggage once and it was opened!