All Quiet On The Gigas Front


Still Fresh
Aug 21, 2004
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It seems Gigas has gone the way of Guardian Monster's and bitten the dust. Pirotic hasn't been active here for nearly 4 months now so I think that is it for his trip into GP32 development. This is a big shame as it was very promising. I also learnt a valuable lesson. "Don't spend hours and hours making a game when the engine isn't complete". Oh well you live and learn. Now where did that Gamemaker disc go!!!!!!!!!!
i agree it's a shame, Gigas was quality. I was just waiting for a Windows editor. I didn't care to much about sound, but sound is a big part of RPGs, its just easier to do everything on a PC though. Stuff happens, just need to keep in mind that all the developers are people that have lives outside of the realm of the GP32.
I'm guessing it is dead. Pirotic, I believe, had originally started Gigas on another system (DC?), and after not having completed that decided to start over and remake it for GP32. He has "started" a lot of programs and completed very little unfortunately. Too bad for Gigas, it would have been really sweet if finished.

Hi-Ho! :P
he said sumthing about the psp.

Theres no point waiting for gigas to be finished, its not going to be done