Adic 2005 Results

One of the ADIC prizes is the "possibility to have your submission edited into a full game". Will that happen to Bolcataxian I wonder? It happened to GloopDX (albeit without any help from Gamepark)
> would you be willing to do the programming if you had some help
> with level design and graphics?

Interesting. I'll think about it... could solve my time problem.

I'm kind of on hold right now, and will only go back on Bolcataxian once I get some news from the ADIC guys on the prizes. (and the now very-remote unlikely opportunity to get published)

It's taken 7 weeks to get the results, and now they're here... Well, at first I felt extremely happy to be recognised and do so well in the contest; but then I grew increasingly puzzled and frustrated by the total lack of feedback or communication. Even if my proggy was declared the winner, I still haven't received a single official email about it... It's been 6 days.

I understand that if all the sponsors have bailed out, it's now complicated and possibly embarrasing for ADIC to wrap the competition; but keeping everyone in the dark for so long makes things only worse.
Just send a few private emails to the top 10 contestants to explain the situation, and we all move on!

Oh well...