(I mentioned it in another thread, but it was rather OT so I'm making this thread)
I tried running Linux on an iPAQ PDA from an SD card, one big problem I found was it was too easy to accidentally eject the SD card, that would make the whole system go belly up with a nice irrevocable kernel panic.
if we use one of the SD slots as a "system/software drive" with all the user apps and a swap space (for the occasional gimping) what is going to happen if we accidentally remove the SD card ?
GEOS on C64, Amiga OS, MSDOS, and other floppy (removable media) based OSes have a dialog box asking to re-insert the media, but Linux does not expect its system drives to be pulled from under its feet at all (afaik).
memory swapping will be almost essential for doing work with the Pandora (not games, real work
= VNC, Firefox, telnet/ssh/ftp, OpenOffice) where it would allow you to switch between multiple programs, each using a big chunk of ram but individually not having a large ram working set.
aside from the extreme solution of software RAID-ing both SD slots to survive accidental ejection of 1 card (and you lose the advantage of having 2 slots), is there kernel support for graceful recovery ?
I tried running Linux on an iPAQ PDA from an SD card, one big problem I found was it was too easy to accidentally eject the SD card, that would make the whole system go belly up with a nice irrevocable kernel panic.
if we use one of the SD slots as a "system/software drive" with all the user apps and a swap space (for the occasional gimping) what is going to happen if we accidentally remove the SD card ?
GEOS on C64, Amiga OS, MSDOS, and other floppy (removable media) based OSes have a dialog box asking to re-insert the media, but Linux does not expect its system drives to be pulled from under its feet at all (afaik).
memory swapping will be almost essential for doing work with the Pandora (not games, real work
aside from the extreme solution of software RAID-ing both SD slots to survive accidental ejection of 1 card (and you lose the advantage of having 2 slots), is there kernel support for graceful recovery ?