When you connect it to a tv, will the screen stay on?
and does it have sleep function, I cannot use it in school if it hasnt got sleep mode like DS or PSP
When you connect it to a tv, will the screen stay on?
and does it have sleep function, I cannot use it in school if it hasnt got sleep mode like DS or PSP
There is no default way to get a 'sleep' mode (i.e. no SDK function called Sleep() etc. ), if a developer wanted to code one for the app it is totally possible. Not 100% sure of the effects on the LCD etc yet of putting it to sleep or the sort of power drain your looking at.
The LCD can definitely be poked into various states by software and if your in raw mode the CPU speed can be set from software (not got it working in Linux yet) so it is a fairly easy to put a low power drain mode into an app and just have it polling for a key combo to wake up.
Oh, and TV output does indeed pull down the LCD but that’s already been posted.