About The Prize Of The Pandara!

MoonChild1607 said:
Will the price of the Pandora still remain 330 dollars even after it gets in mass production?

damn it... i thought i was gonna win something
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MoonChild1607 said:
Will the price of the Pandora still remain 330 dollars even after it gets in mass production?
I'm pretty sure they said future batches will need to be increased by $10. Of course, that was months ago, so maybe the manufacturing cost has come down and they don't have to anymore?
Either way, no point in questioning it now, is there?
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Poem58 said:
I am so happy to hear the Texas factory will likely ship the Pandora's to us US customers, I have been freaking out about the possible customs charges as some of the estimates would have me forced to cancel my order. No way I could come up with 50-150 dollars more especially right now. (posted wide dollar range due to inability to determine just how much you could be hit with not to be taken as actual figures but guesstimates)

Now I can sit back and relax, and impatiently wait for the most anticipated gadget I have ever wanted. Let's just hope it's not too much longer, as every day feels like a year (yeah, I know, for most people it HAS been a year already)

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puppydee said:
Poem58 said:
I am so happy to hear the Texas factory will likely ship the Pandora's to us US customers, I have been freaking out about the possible customs charges as some of the estimates would have me forced to cancel my order. No way I could come up with 50-150 dollars more especially right now. (posted wide dollar range due to inability to determine just how much you could be hit with not to be taken as actual figures but guesstimates)

Now I can sit back and relax, and impatiently wait for the most anticipated gadget I have ever wanted. Let's just hope it's not too much longer, as every day feels like a year (yeah, I know, for most people it HAS been a year already)


oops soz bout the double post????
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I'm sure some resellers will try to get more out of it. I remember when I got my gp2x, dynamism was asking close to double what everyone else was.
MoonChild1607 said:
Also the websites says and I quote:
How much will it cost?
It's $330 (without VAT), to get the latest price in your currency use a conversion website such as xe.com.

What does "without VAT" mean?
VAT = sales tax in the UK
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WizardStan said:
MoonChild1607 said:
Also the websites says and I quote:
How much will it cost?
It's $330 (without VAT), to get the latest price in your currency use a conversion website such as xe.com.

What does "without VAT" mean?
VAT = sales tax in the UK

VAT = Value-Added Tax.

-God Ginrai
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MoonChild1607 said:
Well S=since the website says they're close to mass production, I thought I could get an answer on that.

That's close to mass production of the first batch. For the second batch - who knows what the exchange rate will be, or what might happen to the manufacturer's prices for various components?

These things are subject to change, and there is no way that the second batch is going to happen this year - so predicting pricing is a bit like saying "I'm pretty confident of July". You can feel confident and give a prediction, but still end up being wrong.
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I emailed them and although you can buy the Pandora at $330 and presumably whatever conversion that becomes from your currency if you're outside of the EU. In the UK at least if you want to buy it, it's effectively $424 as they're charging £266.20 for it instead of the £209 odd that it'd be if the conversion rate was taken as now (this excludes VAT though).

It was explained to me that this was done because that was the exchange rate that most of the manufacturing was bought at, before the exchange rate collapsed - so they have to fix it at that price now. A bit sucky, but it's still well worth it obviously - looks a bit less attractive than the $330 but that was always pre-tax.
Dead1nside said:
I emailed them and although you can buy the Pandora at $330 and presumably whatever conversion that becomes from your currency if you're outside of the EU. In the UK at least if you want to buy it, it's effectively $424 as they're charging £266.20 for it instead of the £209 odd that it'd be if the conversion rate was taken as now (this excludes VAT though).

It was explained to me that this was done because that was the exchange rate that most of the manufacturing was bought at, before the exchange rate collapsed - so they have to fix it at that price now. A bit sucky, but it's still well worth it obviously - looks a bit less attractive than the $330 but that was always pre-tax.
You UK people aren't alone. Many Aussies and Canadians also bought it at high prices. I suggest we band together and spread our USA eHate for having lower prices! :lol:
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Kramy said:
You UK people aren't alone. Many Aussies and Canadians also bought it at high prices. I suggest we band together and spread our USA eHate for having lower prices! :lol:

Yeh, but I think that's slightly different. The US tends to get things cheaper (if you calculate at exchange rates) but I'm talking about the Pandora being sold in USD but artificially being kept at a higher price. But I don't want to make too big a thing of it because I'm sure it wouldn't be done if there wasn't a reason and I'm more than happy to pay the price.

Edit: Didn't make clear that I sympathise with your point. It was such a headache when I was buying my laptop, it was so much cheaper in the US and almost worthwhile importing it from there.
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$330 is approximately £200
£200 + 15% VAT (UK) would be £230

I'm still ordering of course, but just saying. ;)

Actually, I got something in my email about it being set by the exchange rate at the time you bought parts or something?
Wait a minute - £266? Not feasible. The PS3 Slim costs £250. The PSP Go costs £200. You can get netbooks more powerful than this device for circa £100. The PSP 3000 is, what, £130 now? And that runs homebrew.

This has become more a cult item than a consumer product. This price is outside the realm of general consumer spend. It is vastly out of touch with current market value.

At this price, it makes the very business unsustainable. The devices will not retain anywhere near normal resale value, the price will have to drop dramatically due to dwindling sales, profit will decrease and the very business will fold. Someone is about to learn a very harsh lesson.

I'm sure many of you have evangelistic ways to justify the cost, but the reality of the situation is that you're all in a bubble, a self-reinforcing community making one another feel better about putting up the cost.

At least if the device had highly superior software, much in the same way that expensive Macs run OS X, but this is not the case at all. There's no business in making games for the Pandora. Few people make good games for little reward - you'll be lucky if a new game is churned out once every few months.

The Pandora is a free-for-all device, is it not? People want it so that they don't have to spend money on games - so they can hack, homebrew, evade. I see nothing wrong with that, but it does make it a viable platform for no game developer.

A more realistic price point would be £100-150 (and even then, the device does not meet the expectations of general consumers - this will be a device purchased solely by geeks). And I have to say, I hope the producers of this device are crunching the numbers pessimistically, otherwise they'll be in for a rude awakening.

I know this device seems like a revolution to some, but it is no more a revolution than Openmoko.
In Germany in the Yeahrs until 2001, the Pandora did cost 500 DM "Deutsche Mark", thats alot, when i reordered it has cost 250€
now it cost 300€ (600DM), but, i hope it is it worht.. :lol: