Abiword Dictionary


Active Member

I am using the Abiword.pnd from the archives and can't get the American English dictionary to work.

I tried copying the dictionary folder with the american.hash from the Windows version but Spell Check is still unavailable in AbiWord.

How can I get the spell checker to work in AbiWord on the Pandora?

I did some searching and it appears that a separate 'Spell Checker' is also needed.

More info on Spell Checking and AbiWord


Supported Spell Checkers

AbiWord supports both the GNU Aspell (previously called Pspell) and Ispell spell checkers (and also a spell-check wrapper called Enchant which in turn uses Aspell or Ispell or perhaps others). Which one is used is determined at compile-time, so if you're downloading a binary, one of these has been selected for you. GNU Aspell and Enchant are easiest to use on Unix platforms currently, so if you're not running on Unix, you're almost certainly using Ispell.

GNU Aspell source is here:


Paging sebt3, could you help with this please?
I just rechecked and my abiword is built with :
#define ENABLE_SPELL 1
So it is built with it, but you'll need the aspell dictionnary. I guess aspell-locale-en-gb is what you're looking for ;)
Thanks sebt3,

Aspell is already installed in NAND so in theory this should work.

I think an aspell.conf file may need to be used to set the parameters for Aspell.

AbiWord seems to default to US_En language.

The spell check option is disabled unless I deselect "Check Spelling as you type" on the "Spell Checking" Preferences tab.

Then I can activate the spell checker but it does not find spelling errors.

If I select "Check Spelling as you type" on the "Spell Checking" Preferences tab then the spell checker is disabled.


Been looking more into Aspell and it seems no dictionaries are included/configured:

The command ``aspell dump dicts' returns nothing

The command ``aspell dump config' indicates that most defaults are being used.

I think Spell Check in AbiWord could work if a dictionary is loaded and Aspell is configured to recognize and use the dictionary.
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I have a major paper due so I won't be able to try this until next week.

Can someone try to get the Aspell English Dictionary aspell6-en-7.1-0.tar.bz2 to install on the Pandora?

The file is located here: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/en/aspell6-en-7.1-0.tar.bz2

And this is the README:
GNU Aspell 0.60 English Dictionary Package
Version 7.1-0
Original Word List By:
  Kevin Atkinson <kevina at gnu org>
Copyright Terms: Copyrighted (see the file Copyright for the exact terms)
Wordlist URL: http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/
Source Version: 7.1
This word list is considered both complete and accurate.

This is the English dictionary for Aspell.  It requires Aspell 
version 0.60 or better.

If Aspell is installed and aspell and prezip-bin are all
in the path first do a:


Which should output something like:

  Finding Dictionary file location ... /usr/local/lib/aspell
  Finding Data file location ... /usr/local/share/aspell

if it did not something likely went wrong.

After that build the package with:
and then install it with
  make install

If any of the above mentioned programs are not in your path than the
variables, ASPELL and/or PREZIP need to be set to the
commands (with path) to run the utilities.  These variables may be set
in the environment before configure is run or specified at the command
line using the following syntax
  ./configure --vars VAR1=VAL1 ...
Other useful variables configure recognizes are ASPELL_PARMS, and DESTDIR.

To clean up after the build:
  make clean

To uninstall the files:
  make uninstall

After the dictionaries are installed you can use the main one (en) by
setting the LANG environmental variable to en or running Aspell
with "--lang=en".  You may also chose the dictionary directly
with the "-d" or "--master" option of Aspell.  You can chose from any of
the following dictionaries:
  en-variant_0 (american-variant_0 en_US-variant_0 english-variant_0)
  en-variant_1 (american-variant_1 en_US-variant_1 english-variant_1)
  en-variant_2 (english-variant_2)
  en-w_accents (english-w_accents)
  en-wo_accents (en english english-wo_accents)
  en_CA-variant_0 (canadian-variant_0)
  en_CA-variant_1 (canadian-variant_1)
  en_CA-w_accents (canadian-w_accents)
  en_CA-wo_accents (canadian canadian-wo_accents en_CA)
  en_GB-ise-w_accents (british-ise-w_accents british-w_accents 
  en_GB-ise-wo_accents (british british-ise british-ise-wo_accents 
                        british-wo_accents en_GB en_GB-ise 
  en_GB-ize-w_accents (british-ize-w_accents)
  en_GB-ize-wo_accents (british-ize british-ize-wo_accents en_GB-ize)
  en_GB-variant_0 (british-variant_0)
  en_GB-variant_1 (british-variant_1)
  en_US-w_accents (american-w_accents)
  en_US-wo_accents (american american-wo_accents en_US)
Whereas the names in parentheses are alternate names for the
dictionary preceding the parentheses.

The individual word lists have an extension of ".cwl" and are
compressed to save space.  To uncompress a word list use 
"preunzip BASE.cwl" which will uncompress it and rename the file 
to "BASE.wl".  To dump a compressed word list to standard output use
"precat BASE.cwl".  To uncompress all word lists in the current
directory use "preunzip *.cwl".  For more help on "preunzip" use
"preunzip --help".

If you have any problem with installing or using the word lists please
let the Aspell maintainer, Kevin Atkinson, know at kevina@gnu.org.

If you have problems with the actual word lists please contact one of
the Word lists authors as the Aspell maintainer does not maintain the
actual Word Lists.

Any additional documentation that came with the original word list can
be found in the doc/ directory.


This word list package supports the following dialects of English:

  American (en_US)
  British with "ise" spelling (en_GB-ise)
  British with "ize" spelling (en_GB-ize)
  Canadian (en_CA)

In addition generic English (en) is supported which is a combination
of all the above.

For each dialect there is the option to either strip accents (for
example cafe) or keep them (for example café).  The default is to
strip them.

Combining these two options gives the following dictionaries.  


in addition to the following aliases:

  en_US = en_US-wo_accents
  en_GB = en_GB-ise-wo_accents
  en_GB-ise = en_GB-ise-wo_accents
  en_GB-ize = en_GB-ize-wo_accents
  en_GB-wo_accents = en_GB-ise-wo_accents
  en_GB-w_accents = en_GB-ize-w_accents
  en_CA = en_CA-wo_accents
  en = en-wo_accents

  american-* = en_US-*
  britsh-* = en_GB-*
  canadian-* = en_CA-*
  english-* = en-*

If you are using Aspell 0.60 these aliases can be changed locally via
"dict-alias" option.  For example if you prefer the "ize" spelling for
British English add the line:

  add-dict-alias en_GB en_GB-ize

to ".aspell.conf".

Great care has been taken so that that, for the most part, only one
spelling for any particular word is included in the main dictionary.
When two variants were considered equal I randomly picked one for
inclusion in the main word list.  Unfortunately this means that my
choice in how to spell a word may not match your choice.  For this
reason the following auxiliary dictionaries are provided:


These dictionaries are meant to be used in addition to one of the
standard dictionaries. To specify them use the "extra-dicts" option.
The "en_*-variant_0" dictionaries includes most variants which are
considered almost equal, "variant_1" includes variants which are
generally considered acceptable, and "variant_2" contains variants
which are seldom used and may not even be considered correct.  It is
only necessary to use on of these dictionaries since, for example,
"en_US-variant_1" includes all the words in "en_US-variant_0".


If you are upgrading from the aspell6-en-0.01 package you should do a

  rm `aspell config dict-dir`/en[-_]*.alias

to remove any old alias.  Otherwise aspell may get confused as this
version installs the alias with the ".multi" extension instead of
the ".alias" extension.
it all works fine, you will need to complile the dict on the pandora though, wrong endien-ness ??

as an extra gottcha until such time as you actually type something the spell menu item will remain greyed out....! (had it working for ages without realising and still "fixing" it !!!!)
Hi chris_C,

I *think* I got the dictionary linked above to install except I don’t have the PREZIP command on my Pandora.

I can use Aspell from the command line now and “aspell dump dicts” shows dictionaries but “aspell –c test.txt” thinks every word is spelled wrong.

What did you do to get the spell checker working in AbiWord?

What is your configuration like?

Did you use an additional or different dictionary? Does AbiWord also need its own dictionary?

yeah i went through this torture myself a while ago... (should have made notes!) usefully prezip is missing from the OE package so I had to compile the tools...

I ended up uninstalling aspell and compiling it from source (that gives you prezip)
Okay, so I setup the native compiler and compiled and installed both aspell and the language pack on the Pandora.

Now aspell works from the command line and correctly finds errors and suggests alternatives.

AbiWord.pnd spell checker still does not work.


Did you have to do any thing else for Spell Check to work in AbiWord? Did you use .hash files?


sudo opkg install enchant

This will upgrade the enchant spell checker.

Now the spell checker works in the existing AbiWord.pnd.

I am going to re-flash and note the easiest way to do it; but this is probably all it needed along with the Aspell English Dictionary aspell6-en-7.1-0.tar.bz2 .
Okay, after much trial-and-error I have discovered a consistent method to enable spell check in AbiWord.

First install the aspell6-en-7.1-0 dictionary to the existing Aspell.

Next update the existing Enchant spell checker interface.

The spell checker will now work in AbiWord.

Basic Steps:

1. sudo opkg install make (needed for step #3, this installs the make command)

2. Extract and copy prezip-bin to /usr/bin (needed for step #3)
Get prezip-bin.zip HERE

3. config, make, and make install the aspell6-en-7.1-0 dictionary
Get aspell6-en-7.1-0.tar.bz2 HERE

4. sudo opkg install enchant (Upgrade enchant on root from 1.3.0-r1.5 to 1.6.0-r2.6...)

I am not sure how to approach a PND for something like this.
I suppose I could have it copy over the prezip-bin, install the dictionary, and then upgrade the Enchant? Those are the basic steps, but I haven’t done an installer type PND before. Might leave this to the experts.
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bit puzzled by step two isn't that chicken before the egg ?

where did you get prezip from...

PND is a new system - so there are no "experts" and incidentally if you find someone who calls themselves an IT expert - run a mile there's no such thing (the field is way to wide to know it all...)
The first step (above) installs the make command needed to install the dictionary in step #3.

I got the prezip-bin from when I was compiling everything from source.

prezip-bin is created when aspell-0.60.6 is compiled from source.

However compiling and installing aspell-0.60.6 does not consistently work with AbiWord. I use the prezip-bin from the compiled version to install the English dictionary into the built in Aspell.

The prezip-bin file is only 14kB so Get prezip-bin.zip HERE

A PND shouldn't be to difficult. Just haven't done one as an installer before.
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i was wondering if abiword and the dict files couldn't all be packaged together but them i'm not sure how you'd tell aspell where the dict was...