A savestate upater?


Still Fresh
Jul 22, 2003
another idea :P why doesnt someone do a program so when u link ur GP32 to PC it searches for all your save states (u could pre determine where they are) and if the gp32 or pc has a newer one it transfers it? just a thought what u think?
Why not? some of the programmers here have true Ub3r skillz :P so it wouldnt be too hard foir them, i think it would be quite popular and very useful...
it's a bit hard to do that as how would you know which savestate is new?

i mean u can't see what date you last saved your savestate on the gp32

and it be alot of work to workout if the 2 savestate files are further than 1 another to work out which 1 is newer.

U could have a program that lets you select what savestate u wanna download but thats the same as doing pc link so whats the use?

The PCLink displays the last date modified doe sit not, i was thinking using that info would make it possible?