A new game


May 9, 2003
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How about a nice true 3d game on gp32....
I dont care if it is a port, or emulator, or made from scratch, I just want a nice true 3d game.
How about a port of halflife or quake, I think they both can be done if you downgrade them and rewrite some of the code. Even if there is no sound, it would be nice. It would also be nice to play mods with them.
Call me crazy, but I think it can be done.
there is a guy making a 3d game, the pics are really nice (I saw them on gp32news I think)
I don't think that the gp32 can do either quake or HL in any form.
I would really like 2 c a true 3d game 2 i think the system is quick enuff i guess this whole floating point processing in 3d graphics causes problem but i dont no enuff about it :( :( :(
Quake32 needs alot of code to be rewritten though, because of floating point operations or something like that. I dont know much about programming.....Yet....
I had no idea the ARM processor evaluated divison as y * 1/x instead of y/x. No built-in division? No floats? Sheesh, at least it makes it easier to optimize. With that new information posted about ARM, we might have a realistic 15fps Quake, much much higher if we stop texturing polys that are near the back clip.
Well... someone's got to do it first...

BTW: For those of you out there who are into ripping your GP32s apart and adding bits (or trying to) - what would the chances be of hacking on a match co-processor for FPU applications? Just an idea - and one I suspect is completely impossible. But hey - if someone manages it, then it might make some 3D stuff a lot more plausible... (and if someone manages it effectively, its always possible GamePark will release a mod kit to let people add them easier... hopefully along with an updated SDK).

Still, as with modding the code in Quake, someone's got to do it first. And that one I think'd take quite a bit longer. And be less sucessful, most likely; its just an idea.
hmm i dont no much about programming but win CE has an open source quake port that uses arm processors + the calculations hav been changed so that it uses fixed point cud some1 port this well?
Can you give a little more info on it? Is there a web page?

If somebody ported this quake, it would be a great addition to the gp32 games library. I dont know about other people, but would play it!
Good old GP32, she does remind me of the old Speccy.

Elite came out for the Beeb, that'll never work on the Speccy - First off Melbourne House (I think) borught out Starion an Elite-a-like but with Educational tendancies.

Later came Elite (proper) and Starstrike a fast 3D shootemup. Yes but they're all Vector type graphic games, you'll never have filled 3D graphic games!!!!

Then out came 3D Starstrike with filled 3D Graphics.

My point is, that the GP32 may not have an inbuilt 3D graphics card but what it does have is that x factor that makes it special, and people are getting the buzz and because of this we are seeing good things, PD games, EMU's and who nows probably 3D games soon, even the Amiga had a Doom-a-like called Gloom

Just lets hope anyway


Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - I stubbed my toe getting down off my soap box!