A n00b would like to ask some questions..


Still Fresh
Sep 20, 2012
Howdy! First of all i'd like to say what a mind blowing product you have here, and what a great community supporting it. Been lurking for a while, checking up on the 1Ghz saga every now and again, and what an entertaining saga it is! Not for the parties involved i'm sure, but from an outsiders P.O.V :P

I know there has been troubles with the production of the 1Ghz units, but i'd like to ask whether there is any trouble with the 600Ghz units? Are the production problems carrying over onto these units aswell, or are they fine? If I was to order one today, would I be subject to a 500 year wait until I had the Pandora in my hands?!

Also, I would primarily be using this capable machine for Commodore 64, SNES and PS1 emulation, whilst dabbling in others, with a hint of internet surfing thrown in for good measure. Question is, how can the 600Ghz unit handle what i'm after? Will it be all slow and horrible? Should I just save up even more cash and buy a 1Ghz unit just to save myself the hassle of 'overclocking' it every two minutes? (I'm not the most tech savvy, not even sure what this means! haha).

ALSO, I know that the two guys that are mainly involved (ED and Craig, whovever they are) have two different companies. Now if I were a douche and didn't want to help the community in anyway and just wanted the product as quickly as possible, who would it be best to order from? Probably impossible to know, but how long could I expect to wait for a 600Ghz unit?

If there is any way in which I could help this community, also let me know, i'm a giver not a taker ;)

Thanks a lot in advance to anyone who can answer my (possibly overasked) questions!

hey there,

ED has both (1GHz and Rebith edition) versions in stock, which means you wouldn't have to wait. In addition you would help ED to finance the next upcomming run of new fresh Pandoras!


Graig mentioned that he has 6 new essabled Rebith Edition Pandoras. It would also help him to improve the situation.

I can't tell you about theCommodore 64 performance but PS1 and SNES are running verry verry well on my unit!!!! (Rebith Edition) ; )
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PS1 and Commodore 64 stuff runs as it should on my 'classic' unit at 600mhz default.

A handful of Snes titles need a little extra oomph via upping the cpu speed, but the majority just fine at default.
Question is, how can the 600Ghz unit handle what i'm after? Will it be all slow and horrible?

PS1 Emulation on the 600 Mhz units is mind blowingly awesome, it runs the vast majority of stuff without any need for overclocking. Some stuff might need an overclock to 800 Mhz to be silky smooth. AFAIK all 600Mhz units will happily overclock to 800 Mhz and the vast majority will overclock to 1Ghz if you slightly overvolt as well.

SNES emulation is fine with an 800Mhz overclock as well except for one or two titles that most emulators struggle with (Starfox?).

Don't know about C64.
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Oh that's quality. As far as things like overclocking go, is it easy to figure out once you've got it in your hands? I'm better when I have the damn thing in my hand to play around with, I don't really get it looking from afar really. As a total, total, windows conditioned retard, how easy is Linux to get used to?

Thanks for the super quick replies!

Edit: 600 Ghz! Now that would be something! My bad, Mhz.
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Oh that's quality. As far as things like overclocking go, is it easy to figure out once you've got it in your hands? I'm better when I have the damn thing in my hand to play around with, I don't really get it looking from afar really. As a total, total, windows conditioned retard, how easy is Linux to get used to?

As a fellow Windows retard I found it really easy to get to grips with, any queries I had were quickly answered on the forums.

Overclocking / ovevolting is very easy too, via a simple and well designed series of menus. :)
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hey there,

ED has both (1GHz and Rebith edition) versions in stock, which means you wouldn't have to wait. In addition you would help ED to finance the next upcomming run of new fresh Pandoras!


If he has them in stock, why is there a massive 'thing' going on about lack of pre-orders being honoured and all that jazz? Is it that his company is fine, but the other guys company is having a bit of a rough time?

to keep it simple, something unexpected came up and Craig had to pay a large amount of money, which was originally meant for the 1GHz units. So he didn't have enough money to buy more units from ED. On the other hand ED can't sent any more Pandoras to Craig for free (he did sent 20 units without getting paid yet) because then he (ED) would get in finace troubles.

Thats the reason ED still has Pandoras in stock but Craig has none (exept these six Rebirth units)
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Ok cool. Well thanks for clearing everything up and answering my questions guys, it's much appreciated! If I have any more, i'll be sure to ask!
ithic.com has them in stock. The ReBirth edition, in the platinum case...seems to work very very well for me, had mine about a week.

I ordered on a Friday, it was shipped on a Tuesday (there was Labor Day in between) and then, via UPS, I got my Pandora the following Wednesday...total of 12 days from order to receipt, and that was with a holiday and two weekends in there.

That unit costs $500 bucks.

I guess there's another one coming out in about a month that will cost about 200 bucks more and is supposed to be even better...I decided that, for what I wanted it for...I could save the 200 bucks and the one month extra wait.

But go to ithic.com and have a look. Mark is a very nice guy there, he kept me informed about the status of order/shipping, and was able to advise me as far as the unit that would best suit my needs, plus accessories. Give it a shot.
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