A Few Quick Questions About The Gp2x.


Still Fresh
Aug 12, 2006
I am considering getting one and I have 2 questions that I haven't read too much about:

1. I heard that there is something wrong with the screen. I believe the person said that it blinks or does something else quirky like that. First off, is this true? I heard the newer versions have redesigned LCD screens, does that fix this issue?

2. Does the GP2X come with a screen protector?

1. The old Mk1 GP2Xs had an interlaced screen, the new Mk2s don't.
2. Define screen protector. If it is the thick plastic cover the protects the LCD then yes. If you are thinking of a thin sheet of 'sticky' plastic to protect the plastic cover then no.
1. In many case, the screen blick VERY once in a while (espaicially just after boot) and that is normal.
2. Mine does not included.
Just as long as there arn't any issues with the MK2 screen I'm happy. Also are there any dead pixel problems coming up like with the PSP?
andrewmc posted on Aug 11 2006 at 10:18 PM said:
Just as long as there arn't any issues with the MK2 screen I'm happy. Also are there any dead pixel problems coming up like with the PSP?

I have only heard one report of a dead pixel. Another report turned out to be dust. There have been a few reports of stuck pixels however, but these have been known to fix themselves after trying to display certain color patterns. It's very rare to have these problems with the GP2X, though.
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From what I have seen and heard bad pixels are rare on the Gp2X. GP2Xs with bad pixels are rarer than PSPs with good screens :P