A few questions about the GP32....


Still Fresh
Apr 5, 2003
Is the GP32 coming out in the U.S? If so, when? Also can you download commercial games to your smart card much like how you can to flash cards on the GBA? And does anyone have a link to some movies of the GP32 in action? Thanks
yes and no, there have been ramblings about a release in the us, but a european and canadean release is more likely before that, dont bother waiting for it though because it might never happen! yes, you can download homebrew games to the smartmedia cards, but not the official games.

here is the best video of the gp32 in action that i know, and dont be put off by all the korean text, this person is using just korean programs:


Is that ok for you?
anything else?
do i get free pie? :P
Gp32 is never going to come to USA. If it did, Nintendo would kill GamePark.
It may or may not come to the US, but I wouldn't wait for it. If it does it will be awhile :).

As for downloading commercial games, there is a site called MegaGP where many commercial games can be downloaded directly to your SMC... but for now its only accessible by Korean users. I have seen posts stating that an international version of this site is coming in a month or two, but no guarantees. It is an exciting thought as the games are cheaper this way, and it provides a way for freelance developers to possibly publish their games!
Thanks for the info Chunk and Arutha. So there really is no way to DL commercial roms for use on the GP32? If you can DL freeware games couldnt u do the same for commercial ones?
As the guy said above, MegaGP will be coming in a couple of months (if you didnt read it, it will be a site where you download commercial games for a frection of the price because gamepark are not supplying the smc), you can play downloaded commercial games on the GeePee emulator, but if you try to run them on hardware it wont work because GamePark have put some sort of restriction on it. Freeware games do not have this restriction.
So sorry kal, if you want to play commercial games for the gp32 you will have to pay to play!

anything else?
wheres my pie!!?
ok. Where can I buy a GP32 for the [ spam ] and how much do the games generally cost? I also need a SMC card...where do you recommend I get one? I live in U.S BTW. I did a search on Ebay and I only saw one auction for the GP32.
Where can I buy a GP32 for the [ spam ] and how much do the games generally cost? I also need a SMC card...where do you recommend I get one?

1. GBAx stock it, and it comes with a CD full of emulators and games
2. You won't find it for cheaper than £100 GBP + vat, I expect.
3. I have no idea how much games cost, as I don't play official games. At the moment official games are only available in Korean. I think they're about £20 each, though.
4. GBAx allows you to buy an 128mb SMC for £40 + vat, or a 64mb SMC for £25 + vat. However if I'm honest your local electronics store probably offers it cheaper - I got a 128mb for £25 + vat.

- Rico
either lik-sang or gbax.com for the gp32, games are about £20 from lik-sang, i dont know what that is in U.S.D but you can allways convert it. smart media cards can be picked up from ebay for bargain prices, or try your local camera store, electrical store, or the electronic isle in wal-mart (well they sold them in the one i went to last year in indiana)
i am getting mine from gbax.com

Can the GP32 emulate the sega, snes and other console games at full screen and full speed without any loss of graphic quality?
Can the GP32 emulate the sega, snes and other console games at full screen and full speed without any loss of graphic quality?


Check the emulator page for a list of emulators currently available for download.

Because of the GP32's high resolution, none of the emulators have a loss in graphic quality (unlike GBA where they sometimes have to be squished), however:
Your best bet for a full-speed, full-sound 16-bit emulator (we-ell... mostly 16-bit) is the GPEngine. http://gp32.emu.pl/gpengine/

Other than that, 2 SNES emulators are in the works but neither is perfect, and there've only been rumours of a Sega Genesis emulator in the works.

Also, you can play Lucasarts adventure games (Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island), if you download GPSCUMM. http://gp32dev.free.fr/