a few questions about Dosbox EX v8


Nov 18, 2011

I've been using Dosbox EX 8 and I'm loving it so far, but I'm having 2 issues :

- Is there a way to swap CDs ? In games like Phantasmagoria...

- Is there a way to remap controls ? In Lands of Lore 1, the navigations controls are the numpad keys (9 for turning right, ect.), is there a way to remap the numpad keys to the digital directional controls of the Pandora ?

Thanks ^^
Has anybody been able to get a nub functioning as a joystick? I can't get D/Generation to recognize a joy stick.

I set joysticktype = 2axis both with the nub in joystick mode and mouse mode, but it doesn't work.
Yeah actually you can remap the d-pad to the numeric keypad... just press ctrl-f1 (err select-fn-1 :P ). That'll bring up the key mapper and you can do some magic.

Anyway... here's what I've done:

in roms create Lands.of.Lore directory

copy your lands folder files into this directory.

create file 01.bat

edit 01.bat with the following text

config -set "cputype=386"

config -set "mapperfile=lands_of_lore.map"



start dosbox ex v8 in touchscreen mode

launch Lands.of.Lore

once the game is running press ctrl-f1 to bring up the key mapper

I deleted the arrow key mappings

I set numeric key 7 to d-pad left

I set numeric key 8 to d-pad up

I set numeric key 9 to d-pad right

I set numeric key 2 to d-pad down

I set numeric key 4 to left shoulder

I set numeric key 6 to right shoulder

Unfortunately the right shoulder button will map, but the key press doesn't register in lands of lore. The right shoulder button is mapped to the right control key but something is blocking the signal getting passed down. I guess it depends on how badly you want your side steps... I'm considering mapping side steps to different buttons, but boy I was hoping to use the shoulder pads.

Perhaps a future v9 request would be to have a config file of some type to setup a key map for the buttons coming into dosbox, but I'm not 100% positive that this is the problem. However this key configuration does work properly on the other Dosbox that is bundled with the DosboxFE front end... so *shrug* I dunno.

Hope that helps somebody though :P


So a little bit more experimentation... even after deleting the right control off of the key mapper, in other games I'm getting a control signal and a numeric key 6 signal... doh!

Also, I was expecting the mapperfile line in the .bat to override the default mapperfile but this doesn't seem to be the case... I may be doing something slightly wrong though and need a bit more investigation.

I'll play around some more and make a few updates as time permits.
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One question - I just tried Wing Commander 2 with this version and it freezes during the intro when I launch a new game... did this happen to anyone else?

I play Wing Commander 2 fine with Dosbox with DboxFE package. Honestly I've never used Dosbox EX.. not sure what the benefits are over the one I use. I know the one I use has recently got a faster dynarec core..
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One question - I just tried Wing Commander 2 with this version and it freezes during the intro when I launch a new game... did this happen to anyone else?

I play Wing Commander 2 fine with Dosbox with DboxFE package. Honestly I've never used Dosbox EX.. not sure what the benefits are over the one I use. I know the one I use has recently got a faster dynarec core..

DosBox EX have the same faster dynarec core like DB with FE. There are a lot of different things done under DosBox EX compared to the one You mention. Easy Setting up + Zero Configuration + Auto Mount CD Images.. and more..
Another question about DOSBOX EX, for civilization, when renaming the exe to 01.exe, it first gives an error when launching "cannot find civ.exe" and then i indicate to start with 01.exe... it launches, go through the intro, and at the end: "insert disk 1 and press return".And obviously, there is nothing I can do about that so I cannot launch the game. Any idea what to do in this case?
create 01.bat instead of renaming exe's, and edit 01.bat with this content

@echo off


this might help :)

if not.. search for another version of Civ..
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I have problems with the touchscreen with Dune, the mouse pointer doesn't follow exactly the pen position, and this happens also in the normal dosbox pnd, but in that case I found the solution using native resolution of the game, but with dosbox ex the configuration file doesn't maintain my changes...

if I choose the touchscreen controls I have a horizontally streched display, and if I choose the NUBS controls I have a display with the right proportions, but in both cases I have the same wrong touch coordinate...

Anyway this is a smart way to launch games, very useful, thanks
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I have problems with the touchscreen with Dune, the mouse pointer doesn't follow exactly the pen position
Are we talking Dune or Dune 2 the RTS.. if it's Dune 2 there is the native port on the repo..

BTW. Isnt LOL playable on ScummVM as well?

No, because LOL is supported by ScummVm since version 1.4.0

Latest ScummVm Pandora release is 1.2.1

Also to note ScummVM has been upped to version 1.5.0 the Pandora PND can be found on the official ScummVM download site.
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I'm talking about Dune the graphic adventure
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