Yeah actually you can remap the d-pad to the numeric keypad... just press ctrl-f1 (err select-fn-1

). That'll bring up the key mapper and you can do some magic.
Anyway... here's what I've done:
in roms create Lands.of.Lore directory
copy your lands folder files into this directory.
create file 01.bat
edit 01.bat with the following text
config -set "cputype=386"
config -set ""
start dosbox ex v8 in touchscreen mode
launch Lands.of.Lore
once the game is running press ctrl-f1 to bring up the key mapper
I deleted the arrow key mappings
I set numeric key 7 to d-pad left
I set numeric key 8 to d-pad up
I set numeric key 9 to d-pad right
I set numeric key 2 to d-pad down
I set numeric key 4 to left shoulder
I set numeric key 6 to right shoulder
Unfortunately the right shoulder button will map, but the key press doesn't register in lands of lore. The right shoulder button is mapped to the right control key but something is blocking the signal getting passed down. I guess it depends on how badly you want your side steps... I'm considering mapping side steps to different buttons, but boy I was hoping to use the shoulder pads.
Perhaps a future v9 request would be to have a config file of some type to setup a key map for the buttons coming into dosbox, but I'm not 100% positive that this is the problem. However this key configuration does work properly on the other Dosbox that is bundled with the DosboxFE front end... so *shrug* I dunno.
Hope that helps somebody though
So a little bit more experimentation... even after deleting the right control off of the key mapper, in other games I'm getting a control signal and a numeric key 6 signal... doh!
Also, I was expecting the mapperfile line in the .bat to override the default mapperfile but this doesn't seem to be the case... I may be doing something slightly wrong though and need a bit more investigation.
I'll play around some more and make a few updates as time permits.