A Charging Bug


Active Member
Jan 26, 2008
Nottingham, UK
when i charge my pandora, once the battery is full the charging stops but then the pandora continues running off the battery instead of the mains.
this means you have to be with your pandora when the charging is completed or else it'll just run the battery out again...

i'd usually be charging it up at night, but i can't do that.
is this the same for everyone else or is this a bug that can be fixed?
The Samsung D600 has the exact same issue, and worse, it defaults to holding the screen on full brightness until unplugged.
It shouldn't be like that. There's a strategy that I use to put the battery in to make sure it is as well lined up as possible. Stick the battery into the door facing the right way and then lower it into the compartment without letting it fall out of the door. The batteries themselves have some slight tolerances we have to get the manufacturer to tighten up next time.

The battery is always connected to the charger and will trickle charge once full (by design of the TI chip).
Isn't trickle charging bad for the battery? From what I have read trickle charging will damage the pack causing the cells to swell and break. I'm guessing there is something different going on here than traditional trickle charging if TI designed it to charge that way.
dpoarch said:
Isn't trickle charging bad for the battery? From what I have read trickle charging will damage the pack causing the cells to swell and break. I'm guessing there is something different going on here than traditional trickle charging if TI designed it to charge that way.

No more so than any time you leave the battery in the charger. Typically a charger will rapid charge to somewhere around 90% capacity then trickle charge from there. I don't believe that Li-ion batteries have that problem as they have an integrated circuit that monitors such things. But it really depends upon the design of the battery and the charger.
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hedwards said:
No more so than any time you leave the battery in the charger. Typically a charger will rapid charge to somewhere around 90% capacity then trickle charge from there. I don't believe that Li-ion batteries have that problem as they have an integrated circuit that monitors such things. But it really depends upon the design of the battery and the charger.

All? device batteries have protection circuitry as part of batt
Absolutly essential for LiCoO batts (typical LiPo)
See RC groups for all gory details, the modellers use naked LiPos, rely on intelligent & expensive chargers
(not so much these days, many have switched to 'A123', LiFePO4, despite lower C (Ah))
LiFePO4 is in OLPC, LiFePO4 is now about 4-5 year old technology
LiPo will "puff" @ 4.25V+ (approx) and combust at not much more
A "puffed" LiPo is junk. Crashed LiPos often combust, don't (physically) crash your Pandora
After a few full chg/dischg cycles, LiCoO are longer lived if Max chg is <90% (4.05-4.1V)
Longest lived @ 30-40% and cool (3.75-3.8V -- storage)

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MWeston said:
It shouldn't be like that. There's a strategy that I use to put the battery in to make sure it is as well lined up as possible. Stick the battery into the door facing the right way and then lower it into the compartment without letting it fall out of the door. The batteries themselves have some slight tolerances we have to get the manufacturer to tighten up next time.

The battery is always connected to the charger and will trickle charge once full (by design of the TI chip).

Hmm, that is the way that I put my battery back in (I couldnt figure out another way to get it in tbh).
I think there may be something wrong with my battery then? Or perhaps even my machine...?

Another question, how long is it supposed to take to fully charge the machine? Mine appears to take around 6-7 hours and lasts for about the same while idling with wifi on. Is this normal?
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@Giberrish, I cant comment on correct battery positioning but I found with mine that whilst on the charger the battery level can be incorrect. A reboot off the charger, more correctly displays the battery level, though this does fluctuate throughout each charge depending on useage. Bear in mind all of that is speculation from my observations only.

I usually find it takes a similar amount of time to charge up but that mine can last over 10 hours with the bluetooth toggled to off and used primarily for browsing and music, with some media playback and emulator use.

I edit to merely add that I intend to purchase a second battery but I wonder if the team has any plans to produce a dedicated charger unit for this purpose, as as was noted above, not everyone can leave it charging overnight and you'd have to get two batteries prepared.
I found that situation to be a linux thing ,on my dell mini windows charges the battery up then keeps it at 100% untill unplugged ,in ubuntu it charges till max then starts to decharge all the way down to 0 and the dell mini shuts off even with the charger plugged in at all times.This was a killer as i couldn't leave it on to download stuff overnight as it would at some point cut off ,pulling the power and reinserting would make no difference ,nor would a reboot strangely enough.
Well, there is one thing about Minimenu: It only polls the battery when you switch a tab or navigate around.
So if you charge, the gauge will not go up here :)
paddy said:
it charges till max then starts to decharge all the way down to 0 and the dell mini shuts off even with the charger plugged in at all times.This was a killer as i couldn't leave it on to download stuff overnight as it would at some point cut off ,pulling the power and reinserting would make no difference ,nor would a reboot strangely enough.

this is exactly what is happening to me in xfce.
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So to summarise:

I have checked that my battery is inserted properly.
It takes upwards of 6 hours to fully charge.
The battery lasts around 5-6 hours idling with wifi connected.
When the battery has charged it is used to continue powering the Pandora, meaning that it runs out again.

Is this a problem with my battery or with my Pandora, and what can I do to get it sorted?
Should I email sales@openpandora? Are they able to tell me what I need to return?
