8-Bit Atari Emulation For The Pandora


Jun 20, 2009

I was wondering if there is going to be Atari 8-bit emulation for the Pandora.
It would be great to see an emulator for the 800/400 and XL/XE. I see the
other portables have them, the Pandora should also.
I've done an atari800 port in the past - as has ZX81. I plan to do one when I get my Pandora back... Its awaiting a replacement key mat (missing conductive pad on select/ctrl key). So should get it back once the factory sends some more I guess.

foft said:
I've done an atari800 port in the past - as has ZX81. I plan to do one when I get my Pandora back... Its awaiting a replacement key mat (missing conductive pad on select/ctrl key). So should get it back once the factory sends some more I guess.


Thanks Mark that would be great. I have not received my Pandora as Yet, but
it would be nice to have one ready when I do.
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foft said:
I've done an atari800 port in the past - as has ZX81. I plan to do one when I get my Pandora back... Its awaiting a replacement key mat (missing conductive pad on select/ctrl key). So should get it back once the factory sends some more I guess.


ok, that's good to know, i will then focus on other emu :) (may be french ones, such as to7 or mo5).
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I'd work on one, but someone else would probably be finished by the time I get my pandy.

If not, I'll be hammering away.
foft said:
I've done an atari800 port in the past - as has ZX81. I plan to do one when I get my Pandora back... Its awaiting a replacement key mat (missing conductive pad on select/ctrl key). So should get it back once the factory sends some more I guess.

If you or ZX does one I have suggestions.

For Atari 5200 please have it so that both the analog nub (5200 had analog sticks) AND the d-pad are enabled (some 5200 games played better with digital). Plus obvious stuff such as keyboard support for A800, keypad for 5200 would be nice. Also straight 2X pixel double integer scale at least as an option (fractional fullscreen real ugly especially for a computer with allot of text).

This is one I am really waiting for.
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Any news on the Atari8 front?
i couldn't find am atari800 port in the app store.

I was about to try it myself, then I remembered this thread. :)
Well I see it finally happened. We now have a good Atari 8-bit emulator
for the Pandora. I have downloaded a lot of my favorite 8-bit games to run.
I was really surprised I was able to get "Spare Change" which was one of my
all time favorites. Now I do not have to use my precious 5.25 inch diskettes.
Using this will keep them safe. Of course now the big thing is to just get
my Pandora. At least I will be ready when I do.