5 Hour Journey What Should I Put On Gp???


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2003
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ive not really been usin my gp much and i got a 5 hour journey to london next week so what stuff should i put on it ?? im goin to try some stuff just now but would lik esome sugestions as ive not tryed much of the new stuff. cheers :D
GPCinema+Movie (2hrs.)
Numo (1hr)
Advance wars clone (way too much)
Gigadrive (with the right roms forever)
The best would be to take a good book instead of loosing your time with a handheld :P

see you :lol:

PS : for a normal answer :

just put OGG for 128M on 1 of your SMC with Yogg or any others OGG players and you will have 5h of musik.. B) ..then with that you will be able to sleep while enjoying good musik...:)


Osnes and a good RPG (FF5 for eg running nicely without too much bugs)
Gigadriv with sonic...:D
You can also install Doom with goods Pwads....
I , i am spanish and my nglish sux a lot :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I can put:

-(NINTENDO EMULATOR) LITTLE JHON: kirby's dreams land + Super mario 1 , 2 , 3

-Movie: Scary movie 3 x'DDDDDD it is cool that movie ^^


-Master system emulator and sonic 1 + 2 +3 + sonic pinball + columns

-A book

-fgen32 or gigadrive with golden axe 2 + 3

Bye and enjoy that journey ;) ;)
Ipod rocks :)

BTW : DOTT or monkey island is something great I have forgotten to talk about
and it is not taking too much space

see you :lol:

PS : what is numo?
I think Ive missed that... :(
The first card

-GPCinema with 4 of your favourite cartoons (Southpark, Simpsons) 120MB

The other card

-Little John with about 20 games (All Mario's, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Earthbound etc.)

-OpenSNES with 5 games (Earthbound, a Final Fantasy, Super FX Racer, A link to the past)

-Gigadrive with some sonics and Phantasy Star's

Is what i should do..........
Dan Fury posted on May 22 2004 at 07:18 PM said:
GPCinema+Movie (2hrs.)
Numo (1hr)
Advance wars clone (way too much)
Gigadrive (with the right roms forever)
with 2 pass xvid encoding you can fit 3 hours of video on a 128 smc, at good quality even, i was amazed at it myself
i got on one 128 Mb smc lilo and stitch (320 x 240) and johnny english (320 x 176), both one and a half hours long, the quality is great, the fps is 18, and it runs at 133 Mhz....
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