4.0 Firmware Problem - Help Please


Still Fresh
Feb 6, 2007
Hokay, tried using the 4.0 firmware to update for F200... Held start and select while starting.

It does it's thing, but then later on, every time I start it up, it asks if I want to continue upgrading. If so, press B, which I do.

Doesn't stop it from prompting me the next time I start it as well.

That's just because you've left the firmware file on the SD, I think. The way Firmware updates work is:

1) Place FW on SD card
2) Turn on GP2x
3) GP2x sees the file on the SD, asks if you want to update etc.

So just delete the upgrade file and you should be set.

On another note, doesn't the F200 already come with FW 4.0 on it? I wasn't aware of any upgrades to the stock one...
No, I bought the F200 when it first came out and I'm 99% sure 4.00 wasn't already out then.

Yup, that solved it methinks.

Weird, the readme didn't mention deleting them. Oh well.
Hmm... I also bought mine when they first came out, and it is FW 4.0.

Anyway, whenever you boot the F-200, the GP2X loading screen would have the version number shown (as well as in the system info). It didn't say 4.0 on yours? What was the GUI then? As I think the currect GUI only started with FW4.0.
I want to say 3.00, I guess.

The 4.00 firmware, exclusively for the F200, is right on the GP2X download site.
Well, I can't find any older firmware for the F-200. Also, according to GPH's release information for FW 4.0, this version is where the new GUI and touchscreen support were implemented.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter what version yours initially came with, as long as your unit is fine and working. :P