3Ds "slide Pad"

The 3DS only having one nub isn't that much of a problem, really. Unlike the PSP, it has the bottom touchscreen as a second analog input, which works well in first person shooters, for example. Think about it, Wii + Nunchuck also only has one analog stick.
atomicthumbs said:
and I don't know if I have space in my heart for two awesome handhelds
There's space in mine. I see them being the perfect complement to one another, as far as my tastes go.
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Prometheus said:
atomicthumbs said:
and I don't know if I have space in my heart for two awesome handhelds
There's space in mine. I see them being the perfect complement to one another, as far as my tastes go.
new and old, I guess

(slash free and expensive, and multipurpose and singlepurpose :P)

although my Pandora might get jealous of the hardware, it wouldn't get jealous of the software
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Having looked at all the games planned and the screenshots (on Nintendos website, every major gamesite seems to have had server overload) it seems more like the PSP than than the DS in terms of content.

Even the Nintendo stuff seems more Gamecubey than Wii.

Weird. It seems strange that they'd start to backpedal, and make their next handheld more traditional.

It seems so similar to the Pandora - not just the nub, but the screen resolution is the same. The physical size seems similar too.

Oh, it has motion/gyro controls! Not bad.
What's traditional about it? This, like the DS and Wii, is quite different. You will see. :P

EDIT: Heh. :lol:
The current line up suggests not.

Kid Icarus looks awesome!

Why is it different then Prometheus?
Prometheus said:
Look at it. Disruption in action. This is like the Wii, part two. :P


It has no new input methods. 3D screens are the next big thing anyway. As cool and desirable as the 3DS is, is does nothing disruptive. The games line up screams 'Thanks Nintendo! A proper games console!' and they're treating it like a traditional machine. This is the machine the industry wanted, and the DS never was.

Unless you want to point me to some novel examples of interaction or gameplay? It's looks very traditional to me.

This seems to be N64 mark 2, in handheld form. Even the 3D screen isn't actually a novelty in the immediate future.

It has two cameras for 3d images... which is cool as hell! But everything will have that within a year or two clearly.

It has an accelerometer too, but then so do most phones.

It has two screens. I guess that's really original and disruptive, fair enough.

Seriously Prometheus. Give me a reason why this isn't actually a conservative console in disguise and I'll listen. This is like Nintendos Ipad.
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This thing is going to beat those very expensive televisions that require ridiculously-expensive glasses to view in 3D, I suspect, and it may well hurt a certain other company's plans to use those televisions with its home-console. (The buzz from the show-floor sounds quite interesting, incidentally.)

By the way, you could say that about the original DS' launch line-up, too. I would hope, and am confident, that Nintendo has learned not to repeat the mistake that was the N64 by now. :P
SomeGuy99 said:
Prometheus said:
Look at it. Disruption in action. This is like the Wii, part two. :P


It has no new input methods. 3D screens are the next big thing anyway. As cool and desirable as the 3DS is, is does nothing disruptive. The games line up screams 'Thanks Nintendo! A proper games console!' and they're treating it like a traditional machine. This is the machine the industry wanted, and the DS never was.

Unless you want to point me to some novel examples of interaction or gameplay? It's looks very traditional to me.

This seems to be N64 mark 2, in handheld form. Even the 3D screen isn't actually a novelty in the immediate future.

It has two cameras for 3d images... which is cool as hell! But everything will have that within a year or two clearly.

It has an accelerometer too, but then so do most phones.

It has two screens. I guess that's really original and disruptive, fair enough.

Seriously Prometheus. Give me a reason why this isn't actually a conservative console in disguise and I'll listen. This is like Nintendos Ipad.

You wouldn't call the DS a conservative console, so why would you with this one?

The reason they have shown these games is because we all know how a DS works. We all know you can prod the screen and blow things to interact with the games. When the DS first came out, they made a big deal of this to show us. But we know it does all that now. What they need to tell people now is that it has a 3D screen and some pretty nifty graphics. It's still a DS at heart, it's by no stretch a regular console.
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Nova said:
The reason they have shown these games is because we all know how a DS works. We all know you can prod the screen and blow things to interact with the games. When the DS first came out, they made a big deal of this to show us. But we know it does all that now. What they need to tell people now is that it has a 3D screen and some pretty nifty graphics. It's still a DS at heart, it's by no stretch a regular console.

I look at the games from third party companies, and they're basically PSP games. And PSP games were basically PS2 games.

I like the PSP, don't get me wrong.

This machine will be the PS2 of handhelds, even morso than the PSP because publishers will actually be able to sell stuff. A lot of them couldn't be arsed with the eccentricites of the DS and the limited specs... how could they port a PS2 game to it? Well now they can release general 3D games. Thus, the machine becomes quite traditional.

Even the Nintendo stuff announced was fairly typical of Gamecube style games. They seem to want to move backwards.

Prometheus: If you want to use Maelstrom as an example, think about the games he said Nintendo wants to make? They want to carry on where the N64 left off and try again with the Gamecube, only this time with a handheld. Everything about it says this to me.

Which isn't bad at all. Im happy with that!

A DS with a 3D screen and PS2 level specs isn't disruptive. It's actually quite predictable, and what the games industry wanted.

3D screens will be in everything, much like every phone is now touchscreen. Nintendo are getting in on it early, true, but it doesn't do much to change gameplay.

Was the Virtual Boy a success?
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I doubt they'll do that - they're not stupid enough to make that mistake again. The relative "failure" (I'm aware they were profitable, but they did not expand the market, and they sold less than prior Nintendo consoles) of the N64 and GameCube is something I would imagine they're seeking to avoid.

And again, look at the original DS' launch line-up, and look at how that then shifted to stuff people wanted, instead of what a few of the home-console developers (who mercifully appear to have been reigned in a bit - 2D DKC and Kirby for Christmas? Awesome :D) wanted.
In terms of being an innovative follow up to the Wii and DS, I think it's a total failure. In terms of being an awesome nintendo machine and stunningly cool, I love it.

This is to Nintendo what the Ipad was to Apple. Iwata knows this, hence the comment he made about being scared by peoples first impressions of the Ipad (ie. it's exactly the same as an iphone).

Tell me something innovative about the 3DS then? 3D screen? And that changes the gameplay how?

I feel sorry for Gumpie Yokie, god rest his soul. They're even using his depth slider, the bastards.
It's not *necessarily* what's "innovative", per se, it's what will be done with it. (Much like with the DS, and indeed the Pandora, and we've seen how both have turned out/are turning out.)

I had this exact discussion (and believe you me, it is exact, and I'm sure that the turnout will be the same, too) with someone else prior to the DS and prior to the Wii, and I am old and wise enough to know that getting into an e-argument or some other such thing when my points likely won't be heard is pointless, so I will now step aside and leave you to it. :P

I'll leave you with one last thought on this: The DS and Wii have by far bested their previous dominant best-selling consoles (for example, if memory serves, the DS has sold in six years, more than the original Game Boy line did between 1989 and 2000). Why on Earth would they want to turn around and go the other way, now?

By the way, isn't the iPad doing rather well?
SONY said:
Looks like the neo geo pocket stick...


Well, it's a helluva lot better than what most of the experts envisioned...which was the d-pad above the analogue slide-pad (like the psp).

What is up with that case!

I looks like none of the parts match! :blink: And people complain that the Pandora may have a few rough edges.. ;)
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Prometheus said:
By the way, isn't the iPad doing rather well?

Yeah, but it's still uninspired. And it's not disruptive.

I don't know why Nintendo want to turn the clock back. Ask them!


When Miyamoto is asked how 3D will enhance gaming he immediately mentions Mario 64, and says 'it will add realism'.

Not exactly in line mith Malstromism.

I'm not impressed with Miyamoto taking credit for the depth slider. Gumpie Yokoi invented that. I find it disrespectful to a brilliant engineer.

Like I said, they're starting over from the Gamecube here.
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SomeGuy99 said:
Tell me something innovative about the 3DS then? 3D screen? And that changes the gameplay how?
Like moving from black and white to color did, in my opinion. Maybe nothing fundamental in the gameplay changed by some definitions... but it was really cool and solved a lot of design problems caused by having a limited palette of greys.

This is the same. For example: actual 3D will allow you to more accurately judge distance in 3D games. I frequently have trouble judging how far away something is in 3D platform games; jumping between platforms can be annoying for that reason. Seeing in 3D eliminates that problem.
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SomeGuy99 said:
It seems so similar to the Pandora - not just the nub, but the screen resolution is the same.

The screen resolution is not the same.

SomeGuy99 said:
This is like Nintendos Ipad.

Are you suggesting the 3DS is shit?

Prometheus said:
I would hope, and am confident, that Nintendo has learned not to repeat the mistake that was the N64 by now. :P

The N64 was by no means a mistake. You're thinking of the Gamecube.

-God Ginrai
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