32c3 Talk. Need a bit of support

Watched the presentation and just wanted well done mclien very informative.
Very cool talk, thanks! I was a little confused who the talk was aimed at to begin with, but I think I got it in the end. You could perhaps keep referring back to how you relate to the different projects and how they relate to you, which might help tie it together as you go through it.

I could probably fill pages with the small errors I noted as I was going through, especially about Pandora stuff, but the charming way you delivered it meant I didn't actually mind too much.
Thanks a lot for the nice feedback.
I could find lots of errors myself of course, but I was simply running out of time, because of problems on another topic over there, which stole me about a 10 days of preperation time for the talk. The talk is literally the first time I went throught the slides in one go, which means I did in the talk what I planned to have done a week earlier.
Pretty informative for those that might be interested in doing something like this, as you have some great pointers (imo). Although I was already pretty familiar with some of the things you talked about it was interesting to here what you learned from these projects and how it contributed to what you have going on.

I might show this to some people I know that are into open hardware and software and such. They are somewhat familiar with the Pandora because of me, however I think they would also be interested in the other projects you mentioned. One would probably be extremely interested in Mooltipass, and could probably spread the word to others that might want something like that.

I laughed when you mentioned the keyboard threads. I noticed the audience didn't. I guess it isn't funny or significant to an outsider. (BTW, thinkpad keyboard is a good choice.)