Mind the world, need for panic
Hey all!
At the moment, I'm switching between internet providers within the Netherlands. If anyone tries to do this in the future.. let it do for you, because it's hell en expensive because of the amounts of calls you have to make.
Anyways, my new providers provides their signal on the second line, while the other provider is on the first. So i'd turned the wires in that little phonebox connected to the wall from top to bottom. I think the original is from left to right, top to bottom GREEN RED, YELLOW BLUE. So I switched them to YELLOW BLUE, GREEN RED.
As you might expect, this doesn't work either..
Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance!
At the moment, I'm switching between internet providers within the Netherlands. If anyone tries to do this in the future.. let it do for you, because it's hell en expensive because of the amounts of calls you have to make.
Anyways, my new providers provides their signal on the second line, while the other provider is on the first. So i'd turned the wires in that little phonebox connected to the wall from top to bottom. I think the original is from left to right, top to bottom GREEN RED, YELLOW BLUE. So I switched them to YELLOW BLUE, GREEN RED.
As you might expect, this doesn't work either..
Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance!