2nd Hand Gp32 With A Problem :-(


Feb 27, 2004
Cork, Ireland
Hi, 1st post after lurking for ages and finally getting my GP32 today.
In the manual it shows a nice colourful screen with icons and the mp3 player for select when you start up. Mine just goes straight to a menu with File Manager, Link Mode, Tools and Options displayed.
When i go into the mp3 folder and try to run the files (the bitrate is 128) it does nothing. Is there a program I'm missing for playing them? I can't see one anywhere in the folders.
Sounds like your GP32 has MultiFirmware installed.

To check if it is, hold down SELECT when you turn on the machine. If MultiFW is installed, a menu will come up with instructions on how to change the software it boots to. The original GamePark software is called GP's fw157e++.
hmm I think that would be pacrom... Try downloading the K2yaa of GPMad MP3 player onto your system and running it from the file manager

EDITL or you could just reflash your system. Put fresh batteries in it, find a firmware you want on the sidebar of this website, download it, and follow the instructions in it's readme. It should ask you to put a file that you downloaded called FW.bin in the main GP32 folder and then it should tell you to put a program called FW.fxe somewhere on your system and run it from the file manage. Just dont power off your GP32 no matter WHAT it says, "Erasing Firmware" just means it's making room for the new FW, it wont break your system
i think you just dont have the normal (original) firmware.. you have to install another mp3 player
Sounds like you have a Gp with flashed firmware. I dunno how you'd put it back to the original firmware (prob flash it lol :unsure: ) I've just got mine new from Lik-Sang about a week ago and still have the original firm ware on it. Knowing the helpfulness of this board someone who knows will post soon :D although you could try searching the board theres a good chance its on here somewhere already

welcome btw

See what I mean 3 people beat me to it already :D
Multifirmware it was.
Thanks a load guys, don't think I've ever had replies this quick on any forum :D
Got the mp3 player working fine.
I expect this MultiFirmware is taking up quite alot of space on my SMC, would it be for the best to reflash it and get myself somemore space for ROMs?

I've noticed a folder that was on the SMC when it arrived (the previous owner never formatted it), the folder is called P4EMU and when I check the properties it says the folder is 12.1GB in size!
All the files in there have screwed up names (originally in Korean I guess), but there's no file to run. Some of the files are even hidden.
Anyone have any idea what the story is with this fella?

Thanks again for all the help :)
Mikey posted on Mar 4 2004 at 11:34 PM said:
an smc 12 gb? perhaps for GP128 ;)

Seriously probably screwed up or something.
Forgot to mention that the files can't be deleted or moved. Says can't read from disk. Formatting the SMC is the only way to be rid of 'em I guess.
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