2 things not related megaman2 Orbital


May 31, 2011
Cyberia (Wels Austria)
Things 1) My brother showed me this link and I just about peed my self. Anyone who has fond memories of Mega Man 2 will love it>


Things 2) Does anyone here like the band Orbital? Ok if you hate them hope you enjoyed the megaman comic at least :P . They are my favorite techno group and are getting back together. They are having a very limited live performance tour in UK and I wanted to know if anyone else might be going?


I have not picked a date or location but don't really want to fly into the UK and go by my self. I know there are a fair number of kids from the UK on this forum and though maybe we could meet up. Let me know if anyone would be down to go to any of these places.
Things 1) My brother showed me this link and I just about peed my self. Anyone who has fond memories of Mega Man 2 will love it>
T'was playing Mega Man 2 earlier today, and that was pretty much my strategy. I'd be more interested to see if there exists anyone who doesn't play like that.
Megaman 2 is my #1 favorite NES game.

A crafty Megaman 2 player like me will not go for Metal Man first. Instead will go for Airman, since he is most vulnerable to the Leaf Shield, but it's almost impossible to hit him with it, use your Buster. Then Crashman, since he is vulnerable to the Air shooter. Then Flashman since he's vulnerable to Crash bomber. There's a trend forming here. Followed by Quick Man who takes a pounding from both the Time Stopper and the Crash Bomber. Metalman is no match for the Quick Boomerang. Bubbleman is a punk against the Metal Blade. Bubble-lead extinguishes Heatman's zippo-lighter looking mug. Lastly, poor-poor Woodman someone should've told Megaman not to play with fire around you.

The main benefit to using this pattern is it will allow you to get all the extra men and energy tanks that are unreachable without the Item Power-ups.

If you want a real challenge, try beating each zone and master using only the buster. It's entirely possible. Contrary to contemporary wisdom you can complete Quickman's level without the time-stopper with a little practice.
Megaman 2 is my #1 favorite NES game.
You sir win the Internet!

I too love this game sooo much, the sound track is the best on the NES by far (though castlevania 1+2 has great sound tracks too).

the intro sends shivers up my spine, I dont know why but It does because its THAT good.
I got so wrapped up in my Megaman 2 love that I forgot to address point two of the original post. Let it be known that electronic music is actually on the fringe of musical styles that I listen to regularly, so my point of view is highly skewed and limited. :) I have listened to at least 75% of Orbitals extensive works, excluding the overwhelmingly endless array of remixes that always seems to plague the electronic music scene. While Orbital has done fantastic things for Electronic Music - specifically "The Box." Which is quite possibly a modern musical masterpiece. I can't really bring myself to love them. I just can't help but like Future Sound of London more. I do feel it is good news that Orbital is getting back together and only good things can come from it.

Open statement: Musicians of all genres. Remixes. Cut it out. Seriously. Davinci did not paint a masterpiece and then paint a dozen other almost, but not quite, identical paintings. He painted one masterpiece and left it for the world to enjoy. The only time remixes are ok are when you remix a track into an entire album to cover a litany of moods, but taking your hit track and remixing it just to add it to yet another of 60 EP's is just lazy.
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Oh i totally dig FSoL but am not all that familiar with his work do you have some tracks i should get down on other then Papa New Guinea?

Oh I know what you are talking about with the sound track to this game, pure gold. Wily stage 1 This is all I ever hear when i'm storming any castle or fortress in any game. :P

Well if i didn't find a concert partner at least we got a good old discussion about mega man 2 rocken!!
The distance from my home to my parents is actually exactly one MegaMan 2 soundtrack on Rockbox away ;)
Oh i totally dig FSoL but am not all that familiar with his work do you have some tracks i should get down on other then Papa New Guinea?

Pretty much everything off of Accelerator or Dead Cities. Dead Cities being the stronger of the two LPs. FSoL really changes style from one LP to the next, but they are all good in their own way. Dead Cities just happens to be my favorite. Individual tracks that I think are stand out are:

From Accelerator - Stolen Documents, Calcium, and Moscow

From Dead Cities - Herd Killing, Dead Cities, We Have Explosive (My personal favorite FSOL track), Antique Toy, and Yage

From Lifeforms - Cascade, Cerebral, Room 208, Lifeforms