1Ed Pandora Distinctive


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
Hello PP

just wanted to ask OP Team, Instead of a OP Badge on the Machine

why not produce a little sticker saying "I OWN A 1ed OP" or something like that.
just something that where official and made by the OP Team would give it a nice
finishing touch for those who made a preorder.

it doesnt have to be too fancy just something official, so what do you say?
It would be nice to have that in 30 years, when for sure pandora will become a coleccionist item
dflemstr said:
dingens said:
What's so funny? I don't get it.
Maybe that "1st ed" will be right in English (don't know, I'm not native English speaker). Maybe it do something with ED as abbreviation for EvidDragon. But I don't get it too.
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peca said:
Maybe that "1st ed" will be right in English (don't know, I'm not native English speaker). Maybe it do something with ED as abbreviation for EvidDragon. But I don't get it too.

Heh you're right. He never mentioned 'edition' in the first post. 1ED means first edition, the very first production run of the pandora.

I think it would be a cool idea. Stickers and such can be unsightly, I don't like ANY logos/brands/corporate art on my electronics myself. Maybe a certificate? Though that can be forged, unless the Pandora team is willing to split up the first 4K certificates and sign them all in pen.

I was going to suggest this later, after release, but I am very interested in the back process of the whole thing. I hope they do a tell-all interview afterwards so we can ask questions like 'what was it like dealing with companies around the world?'.
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lulzfish said:
Obviously we need a public-key encrypted Certificate of Authenticity, to avoid the forging of coolness.
Such a certificate already exists: Torvalds private key for the Linux version tagging on Git. I'm not saying it would be applicable in this situation, but rather that it fits your description perfectly.

BTW, public-key encrypted certificate? Why would you encrypt it with a *public* key? Wtf? :P
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I think a low serial number might be enough... Even though I don't feel that special because my 1ed GP2X is slightly above 800... #1 would make it reeaaaly special.
Only if it has a flickering screen and a strange coating on the battery contacts


Are people who ordered earlier going to get a low serial number? IE, will they be sequential (10th order gets serial #10)?
senorgomez said:
I hope they do a tell-all interview afterwards so we can ask questions like 'what was it like dealing with companies around the world?'.
If the last year is any indication, not that great.
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