just received this PCB and its bricked, pretty pissed off since it wasnt mentioned anywhere, i assume it was bricked whilst flashing firmware and thats how the screen got broken in the tantrum that followed...
i havent been able to get the topic search to work for quite a while, when i type in something it says i must wait 20 seconds regardless of if i have done a search before or not, its quite annoying not being able to search internally as google doesnt bring up the articles im after :(
it is very hard to find an lcd without getting one from another gp2x, i was interested as i want one for parts anyway, but 50 dollars shipping is too steep (it says 7 dollars on the usps site for fight class international)
i recently bought a 3870 with a passive cooler, that runs every game i play on full settings and its totally silent, i wont be upgrading unless another passively cooled card comes out (a 4870 maybe).
anyone got a copy of the image ?
tinypic.com or imageshack.us and pm it me if you dont wanna post it on here, i would be gratefull : )
personally i dont see a problem with posting it online its not like they can stop it once its in the wild.
Edit : nevermind...
yeah it says it on the forum name as well, i posted about this here over a year ago > http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=36612
the heading on the marketplace forum has it listed as well "Want to sell or buy something related to GP32 / GPX2 / XGP (boxed games, rf units consoles etc.)...
got one listed here.
if you're interested in more than 1 message me and we can come to some sort of arrangement.
id upload the songs to youtube and embed them on the page, i know thats not downloadable but it is a nice way to showcase them, and its also free hosting.
i had a similar deal with my drivers license, was told there was a 2 week backlog and it came in 3 days, shame my SIA badge is taking ages to come (months).
i use dvd decrypter and dvd shrink, i find dvd decrypter better at ripping different regions dvds without fuss and it can burn, whilst dvd shrink is better at removing unwanted stuff from the disk (menus) its a much nicer GUI, autogk is also excellent at making Xvid's.
dvd shrink is here >...
the back cover is a pain to get off, i find putting a lot of pressure on is better than turning it hard so it does actually turn, the battery inside mine is a toshibia lithium button cell : CR2032 (3volt) incase you wanted to buy one
i like lots of music, mostly classic rock.
my tastes seem to change a lot though and i end up dumping a lot of music im bored with off my playlist.
heres a link to my current playlist > www.ossify.co.nr/winamp.html
it seems the shaft touches the inside of the gp2x stopping it from being as responsive.
its like you can only hit 70% of the direction, then when its shaved it does 90-100%
how far does it overclock ?
185 is under the standard clockspeed, the chip is meant to do 240mhz and they are all underclocked to 200mhz afaik.
did you mean 285mhz ?