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  1. C

    Vampire Baby Freaks Game i was wondering if it would be possible to get a game like this because i feel it would be a good game for the gp2x.
  2. C

    Joy Stick Broke

    I have had my gp2x for almost a year now and i have had no problems until now. My joy stick has broke not just the little black cover bit but the metal base bit so i was wondering should i send it back and get a replacement or is there anything i can do?
  3. C

    Ps1 Roms

    I dont know where to get PSX roms? can anyone help me :huh:
  4. C

    Blank Screen

    Ok when i go to play any game with .con files the screen just goes blank it doesnt even load what do i do?
  5. C

    How To Use The Gp2x

    im gettin a gp2x for my birthday cause my freind down the road (naw)mcx has one and they look ace but i would like to no how to put games and how to put skins and all that on it
  6. C

    Im Getting A Gp2x How Do I Use It??

    Im getting a gp2x how do i use it?? yester day my freind from down the road(naw)mcx brought his gp2x up and well its my birthdayin a week and they look awsome way better than any sony or nintendo hand held console but i was wanting to no how to use it like how to put games on it? and where to...
  7. C

    Im New

    Hi am new to this forum and know nothing about gp2x. Can anyone tell me any thing about it?