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  1. C

    GP32 - European Launch

    well, they made quick profit, but they still made less profit than both Microsot and Nintendo...
  2. C

    Dos Emu.

    Uh, dude, you can play DOTT and monkey island as of... now..... all those lucasarts games... the old ones.... gpSCUMM my friend....
  3. C

    Euros -> USD conversion?

    Go Euros! Go France!! Go Slubman!!!
  4. C

    My GP64 will have...

    DUDE! You know what, I heard rumors that ALL of that is going to happen :D *starts hype*
  5. C

    How long do SmartMedia cards last?

    Also, after 100,000 cyces, only the sectors that have actually gone through those cycles die off (well not exactly then....) that mens that instead of completely shutting down, the card has less and less space on it after time.
  6. C

    FHM Article

    Damn, if GBAX can make so many people interested, then THIS....... Damn.... Damn, damn, damn... + I saw some dude the other day that had one, I WISH I would have seen that article... could have showed it to him.... This is DEFINITELY good for the GP32 ;D
  7. C

    Boards so busy now

    I gotta agree, those points do adress your problems. But there'll always be problems with consoles, I actually prefer mentioning the flaws, it's a good way to make something better... The thing is, the Nintendo community is mostly made up of "hardcore fans" that could never see anything wrong...
  8. C

    I can't get the SMC out of the device!

    woah! thanks for that ;D I had to use pliers up until now (totally serious) :D
  9. C

    PC Engine ROMs: Top Picks?

    yeah, make that Bomberman '94
  10. C

    256MB Smartmedia Card???

    right, and they're striking some kind of SMC deal with Nintendo, right? They made that player that you put on the GBA (does it fit on the SP??) and it worked with 5V cards if I remember correctly... so it could just be propaganda.... It isn't only propaganda that SMCs aren't really used at ALL...
  11. C

    256MB Smartmedia Card???

    A company (was it.... Toshiba???) said it was impossible to make a 256mb 3.3V SMC Maybe the Gp64 will have 5.5V compatibility.... wishful thinking ;D
  12. C


    wow, love the apolgies j/k ;d
  13. C

    Another VirtualDub Question

    Flack I definitely agree with what you're saying about the lamers that get pissed for no reason, but would you please be so kind as to read the question in this thread.... Where is there any flaming, where is there a complaint directed towards somebody. video files don't come with readmes...
  14. C

    Please..Read ASAP..!

    actually I have a feeling you can ;D
  15. C

    Please..Read ASAP..!

    Asif that means anything at all.... you GP32's broken man, get over it and get off of this board...
  16. C

    Another VirtualDub Question

    Now isn't it convenient to quote only a small part of what I said and use it against me. Why don't you read the post I made right before yours, flack. There's no point in being rude.
  17. C

    Another VirtualDub Question

    I totally agree with you :) , it's just that in this instance, I myself had some trouble finding a solution to my codec problems. I didn't even know what a codec was before Bonks helped me out with the Nimo pack. Once you do know about stuff, these questions might seem beyond obvious, but I...
  18. C

    Anyone else getting worried about helix/PSP/other?

    Here's some more proof :D
  19. C

    Her Knights

    yeah, I realized that too when I first opened the box. Just pop the gray one out and push the new one back in :D
  20. C

    Another VirtualDub Question

    honestly, I'd rather ask and answer the questions here since I'm positive I'll get a better answer than at google. The stuff has already been used and I know it'll work. And it takes only very little of my time to answer these posts. Hell, trooper, you took time to complain, how was that post...