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  1. S

    GP2X Open2x Sdl Anyone?

    I need a reasonably fresh (this side of new year at least) dump of the open2x-libs if anyone has it. CVS is down (as usual) and AFAIK its still the only way to get it. (The existing precompiled versions are too old).
  2. S

    Oldplay V0.95

    New version 0.95 Have focused on the player and not so much on formats this time. CHANGES HOLD and BLANK functions (Locks keys, turns off screen) Configurable GUI (via config file) Battery indicator Shuffle play CPU Scaling (diffrent CPU frequncies for...
  3. S

    Oldplay 0.9

    New version. Main Changes: MP3 playback SPC,NFS,GBS,GYM and VGM playback Playlist Better windows version (Note, these screenshots are a bit old)
  4. S

    Oldplay V0.8

    I have released a first version of my musicplayer It uses libsidplay1, libmodplug and UADE and so supports over 150 formats, including sids and mods. A windows version is also provided.