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  1. R

    Holiday Reordering Mini-update

    Thanks for the update. Just found out today that a cc refund apparently started for me (had no idea) in September and just finished processing ?! :angry: Definitely want to get the order alive again. :)
  2. R

    Cc Refunded Orders / 'upgraded' Specs ?

    Sorry if this has been cleared up already, but after lots of forum searching and thread reading I still can't find the answer. Q: Sooo - if people's CC orders are refunded and have to reorder - are they the only people getting the 'upgraded' memory Pandora units? Or is everyone getting the...
  3. R

    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    Great news! The first thing that happened when I saw that dual dpad design (other than the incredibly loud scream of utter disbelief) was that I decided immediately I would never buy one. Now with sanity apparently prevailing with four buttons, I'm back on the wagon. :)
  4. R

    Gp2x-ti99 : A Ti-99/4 Emulator For Gp2x V1.0.1

    I'm having the same issues described above. v1 F100 2.1.1 FW (clean system no hacks or addons), run from the standard launcher - the program shows the splash screen then exists. If run from sterm I see the error about 'Unable to locate console roms'. I also saw it create a .ti99sim folder on...
  5. R

    The Official Sony Bombed At E3 Thread

    Bingo! Sony could sell boxed doo doo labeled PS3 and it will move every single unit on launch. ;)
  6. R

    Sony Press Conference

    You sir are the most optimistic person I have ever met! :lol:
  7. R

    Steven Colbert Rips On The President

    Very true. Not all of them are actually borderline retarded though.
  8. R

    Irq Conflict?

    No we definitely should not invade Irq.
  9. R

    One Reason To Buy Nintendo Wii

    "Wanna feel my wii unit? It's six inches long, motion sensitive and reacts to your touch. Yeah" :lol:
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    Steven Colbert Rips On The President

    You can find it in the alt.binaries.multimedia newsgroup.
  11. R

    Steven Colbert Rips On The President

    Holy crap that was funny :lol: Colbert's got a big set of balls. That's got to be hard to pull off when the vacant moron (oops I meant president) is sitting so close by. By the way - a high quality Xvid of it is on the newsgroups at the moment.
  12. R


    HOLY COW - I'm off the boards for a while and I come back to find a playable Nethack port!! Dzz - you are the man :D Time to give this baby a spin! ;)
  13. R

    Wii.eal Name Or Viral Campaign?

    Wii is a fake - the real name is メガ陰茎力の尿箱 :lol:
  14. R

    Stella 2.2 Out Friday, 04/07/06

    Sweet! Thanks again zansatsu B)
  15. R


    :blink: WOW! That looks awesome! :)
  16. R

    Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

    Those are all good points. I am a PC gamer to the core, always have been. I've got a gaming "rig" built for speed. But - for the first time I've favored a console over the PC. The 360 does the job beautifully and with no hassles. I'm some 60 hours into the game playing on my plasma HDTV...
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    Have you ever used Nethack in tiles mode? That's the one I prefer these days ;)
  18. R

    Outcast 'experiment' Released (mod Of V008)

    I'll give it a shot this weekend. Keep the ST love err, coming... B) Thanks Jeff - you're the best ;)
  19. R

    Gp2x In Retro Gamer March

    Yes it has :) Nice one Shane. And Ferrets rule! B)
  20. R

    Omfg, Read Now

    That would be Microsoft pulling a "Sony" and showing bullshit video footage.