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  1. gillmaus

    GPD XD

    I recently got mine an I am impressed. (few weeks now) Software: No bloatware, Device is rooted from the beginning. It has a great button-touch matching tool for android games (Though there are still too few android games worth playing, of course except GTA:SA). It has high emulation...
  2. gillmaus

    Release xpenguins (gimick / screensaver)

    Oneko looks nice, but right now I am just looking how to bring xeyes into the xfce task bar.
  3. gillmaus

    Release xpenguins (gimick / screensaver)

    Hi. I wondered that the most important app ever isnt yet on the pandora... so I compiled it: Have fun!
  4. gillmaus

    Release hocoslamfy (Flappy bird clone)

    Hi. I recently uploaded a new version with your desired changes. Testing would be nice (and fun).
  5. gillmaus

    Release hocoslamfy (Flappy bird clone)

    How is a c4a profile detected an set?
  6. gillmaus

    Release hocoslamfy (Flappy bird clone)

    Button issue: Since now I didnt touch the source/code. But this sounds not to be a lot of work. C4A, see if I get this straight: Basicly I just need to submit every accomplished score to a fusilli client command/system call. But I need to compile and include the fusilli client in the hocoslamfy...
  7. gillmaus

    Release hocoslamfy (Flappy bird clone)

    Hi. This one plays a bit different from flappy bird. Do you mind to give me howto/wiki for c4a, so i can see what i can do?  
  8. gillmaus

    Release hocoslamfy (Flappy bird clone)

    Hi! I found this on the gcw zero and liked it more than flappy bird. So I decided to recompile it and tweak the screen resolution to fit on the pandora: Have a lot of fun!
  9. gillmaus

    Release xskat

    Ok, I have to register as new. Thx.
  10. gillmaus

    Release xskat

    Hi! This is xskat, a card game called "Skat". Its challanging and has a lot of options. I tried to follow the pnd guidelines. The options can be found by clicking anywhere into the void space inside the app. There you can switch to german, change colours, difficulty, make it faster and so on...