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  1. D

    How Long Did It Take

    Took 10 days from notice to california for me.
  2. D

    Shipping Method To Us?

    They probably didnt tell people who ordered by email that they had the option of UPS.
  3. D

    Ok So What Are They Thinking?

    Some people have jobs and they feel like its worth it to them? I think it's a different story when it isn't your parents money.
  4. D

    One Must Fall 2097 Dosbox Video Request

    Don't forget a video (even if its crappy quality)! :)
  5. D

    One Must Fall 2097 Dosbox Video Request

    Awesome! I love this game!
  6. D

    One Must Fall 2097 Dosbox Video Request

    Okay so getting back to the thread... OMF2k97 was runnable on 386. So it should be at least able to run on the Pandora right?
  7. D

    Tv Out

    ...Are you just trolling us linux? The link says that it supports compostite output, which means yes you can use that adaptor. Please, read read read before you type. I think the reason the community can come off as hostile is because certain people refuse to find answers on their own, and...
  8. D

    My Pandora Review

    It makes me want to upgrade my shipping! Does this feel really surreal to anyone else? I've been waiting for this thing for so long, not having it has become part of my life. It'll be weird actually holding the thing in my hands. I'm unbelievably excited.
  9. D

    Your Place In The Preorder Line?

    You can tell your number in line, just not your order #. There's a difference, one is your number in the queue out of 4000, one is the code that identifies your order to OPT.
  10. D

    Port Of Cube 2 Possible? Pandora Powerful Enough?

    If you're playing on a console, most games have a sticky crosshair which helps your aim. I'm pretty sure if you directly port a PC shooter to a console and allowed both communities to play against each other, kb/mouse would win hands down.
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    Gemrb Vs. N64

    Wow I had no idea this existed, amazing! I would love to replay BG1 and 2. When I first played BG I think I was 8 years old haha, it was my first computer game.
  12. D

    If You Want A Pandora

    Meizu basically clones Apple products, and many of their mp3 players are considered superior by audiophiles.
  13. D

    So What's A Reasonable Timeframe At The Moment?

    If thats the case, I'd propose that devs should try to list the buttons by their position or something, rather than their stamped letter. This would avoid confusion if a lot of people are planning on moving the buttons around.
  14. D

    Let's Send The Panda Back To The Forest

    I feel like this is the only on-topic reply of the thread.
  15. D

    Sneaky Case Update

    I believe its the battery cover, you know like the thing on the back of your TV remote that keeps the batteries in?
  16. D

    Your Place In Line...

    I was probably in the first 100 when I first pre-ordered, I got my order in within the first 10 minutes. Alas, I couldn't convince my self to re-order after the credit card fiasco, and so sadly, I cancelled the order. I re-ordered on Aug 20 though, putting me near at the end of the line.
  17. D

    Usa Preorderers, Where Do You Live?

    SF Bay here, Alameda county. But I'm in Davis, CA for school.
  18. D

    A/v Cables Have Arrived!

    These look freaking amazing. It makes me a little giddy.
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    International Transaction Fee!

    I got caught by it too when I first ordered. The second time around I used my friends capitalone card which doesn't have the fees :].
  20. D

    Does Anyone Else Check The Blog Every Day? new blog post! shows gmenu running on the pandora!