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    Kill Bill Gp32 Vol. 2 (blu)

    It's been relisted on ebay because the buyer backed out. The link is here
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    Painting Gp32s - How Much Should I Charge?

    Describe the blend of colors as best as possible and I will paint it as close to the description as possible. I'll make sure I confirm the design before starting. On the shells, I'd charge like $50 for a painted one and when you receive it and swap it out with your old one, you send the...
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    Painting Gp32s - How Much Should I Charge?

    My sister's iBook had some heavy scratches on the bottom, so I painted it from the inside of the plastic so the scratches don't look so great. I tried to buff them out a bit but didn't think it helped too much.
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    Painting Gp32s - How Much Should I Charge?

    I e-mailed about buying extra cases, that way I could paint the case and when I received the gp32 in the mail, just trade out cases for an easier turn-around time or I could sell already painted cases and you could send me the old case and I'd pay a certain pre-set amount for it. Flu...
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    Painting Gp32s - How Much Should I Charge?

    Krylon is chip resistant. I think they are pretty scratch resistant as well. The only way I think it would chip would be if you dropped it.
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    Painting Gp32s - How Much Should I Charge?

    I just put up the site. I can blend colors into each other, so you could have a wide range of options. I could also do stripes, etc. I have iBooks, a Gameboy, GP32s, etc on the page. Paint Gallery
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    Custom Painted Black Gp32 Blu

    That was black Krylon Fusion, gloss. I think Krylon Fusion or Plasti-Kote work best. Plasti-kote has better pastel colors since Fusion only comes in bold and mainly primary colors.
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    Painting Gp32s - How Much Should I Charge?

    I think I may start up a site or something offering to paint GP32s. The thing is, I don't want to charge a lot for painting them, but don't want it to end up costing me anything since I would need to buy paint and pay for return shipping. I was thinking about having two options available: 1...
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    Custom Painted Black Gp32 Blu

    Ok, I looked up the GP32 auctions on ebay, and the guy who bought my custom GP32 relisted it. I'm kinda pissed off, mostly because a) he claimed to have painted it himself and B) he copied most of my auction including my pictures hosted and he hasn't even received the GP32 yet. He asked that I...
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    Custom Painted Black Gp32 Blu

    LJ Entry I posted a custom painted GP32 I did for an ebay sell on my website. Click above to check it out.
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    Kill Bill Gp32 Vol. 2 (blu)

    I went ahead and put it on ebay. Click below if you're interested: Kill Bill GP32 I bought some GP32 BLU systems from Lik-sang and decided to paint one of them. If anyone's interested in this one PM me an offer. Also, the system is solid yellow on the back. Thanks to Crocomire for the blood...
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    GP32 Heat Sink?

    Well, good luck with the voltage mods. Post the results when you finish.
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    GP32 Heat Sink?

    Theoretically, you could up the voltage over 1.95 and have some method of keeping it cool and maintain a higher clock speed, right?
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    GP32 Heat Sink?

    What factors limit the voltage mod increasing processor speed? Once you up the voltage beyond a certain point, the chip still doesn't have heat issues? (obviously above about 2V it's not designed to run)
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    GP32 Heat Sink?

    *attaches heat sink, finishes reading!!.... :D * So is it not a problem with heat when overclocking the GP32? Why do some not overclock to higher speeds?
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    GP32 Heat Sink?

    Would some kind of heat sink/silver compound increase the ability to overclock a GP32 at all?
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    Custom Painted Blus

    :o I'm only planning on painting 3. :rolleyes:
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    Custom Painted Blus

    *Edit* One of the GP32s is on ebay now. Click here to view it. ($1 starting bid, no reserve, 3 day auction.) Thanks, Brittney
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    Gp32 Blu Systems New $187 Shipped

    I have a couple of these ordered and they should arrive by early next week. If anyone is interested, they are $187 each shipped within the US. Please add $5.50 to cover paypal costs if you intend to pay through them. The systems will ship FedEx insured. I can also ship Airmail to the UK, Canada...
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    Can't Get Snes9x GP Working at 156 Mhz

    Is it safe to overclock the GP32? If you modified the system and maybe put in a different heatsink (I haven't looked inside it, so I'm not sure if it's even possible) wouldn't that make it run cooler?