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  1. kyxh2o

    128GB SDXC card

    Use gparted direct on the pandora, that should work. You can make one fat32-partition, i use the Extreme Sandisk 64GB, works fine in the pandora.
  2. kyxh2o

    Slackware for Pandora 14.0

    Ah, of course i forgot the sudo-part, thx. Where can i enable/disable startup-services like usb-host?
  3. kyxh2o

    Slackware for Pandora 14.0

    [/SPOILER]I can confirm this error. After changing hostname via netconfig, i get the same errors while trying to launch a PND. Same after a new installation, every PND is working, but after the change of the hostname, same error again. By the way: Great job Linux-SWAT! Thanks a lot for your work.
  4. kyxh2o

    Warum habt ihr euch eure pandora gekauft?

    Das perfekte Gerät für mich als Admin, alle benötigten Tools und durch Full-Size-USB ist auch Ethernet kein Problem. Allerdings vermisse ich das TV-out-Kabel sehr schmerzlich, wäre schön, wenn es da irgendwann mal was geben würde. Ach ja, und alle Spiele meiner Kindheit laufen auch noch auf...
  5. kyxh2o

    Darf man seinen Steam-Account verkaufen?

    Die Steam-AGBs widersprechen deutschem Recht, deshalb dürfen Accounts und Steam-Key hier verkauft werden, einfach mal auf Ebay schauen. Das Problem ist aber, dass es keine Plattform für den Verkauf in DE gibt, wenn auch nur ein FSK18-Spiel dabei ist. Dann fliegt das Angebot direkt bei Ebay...
  6. kyxh2o

    jetzt aktueller Slackware14 Wininstallation,Image verbessert

    Re: jetzt aktueller Slackware14 Wininstallation,Image verbes <r><QUOTE author="cybic"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ich habe unter Slackware das Problem, dass PNDs nicht laufen.<br/> Außerdem funktionieren die Community-Codecs nicht, somit laufen einige Videoformate nicht. Falls jemand weiß, wo man hier...
  7. kyxh2o

    SD Installer von Linux-SWAT

    Gefällt mir gut, seit ein paar Tagen habe ich auf einer separaten Karte die Slackware, funktioniert alles sehr gut und Installation ist mit dem Installer sehr einfach.
  8. kyxh2o

    Die Neue Taschencollektion (Februar 2013)

    Dank ebenfalls für den Hinweis, habe auch gerade eine bestellt. Weiß man denn was über die TV-out-Kabel?
  9. kyxh2o

    Sound/Headset Problem

    so no newer headphone with microphone can be used with the pandora?
  10. kyxh2o

    Sound/Headset Problem

    Ok, i see, thank you. The pandora sound is so great, i have no problem to buy good headphones especially for this device, i love it!
  11. kyxh2o

    Sound/Headset Problem

    Hmm, but the Sennheiser PC300 aren't designed for any special Apple-Standard, i used them for the last three years in every situation around the world with many many different devices, in airplanes and cars and also in a malaysian toilet with an built-in radio and never was there a problem like...
  12. kyxh2o

    Sound/Headset Problem

    Sennheiser PC300 und Dr.Dre Beats 2. I use it only with HTC- and Samsung-Android-Devices. Normal headphones don't have the problem, but if they have a microphone, sound is horrible, unless i press and hold the button.
  13. kyxh2o

    Sound/Headset Problem

    Good Morning, I have a problem with the sound under all os. I only use Stereo-In-Ear-Headsets, because I can use them for all my devices. At the moment I have two of them, Sennheiser  and Dr.Dre, they both have a key to stop the music and answer an incoming call. When I use one of them with...
  14. kyxh2o

    Nub and PND-Question

    Reflash was the solution, nubs are working, all issues solved, thanks a lot for the fast support!
  15. kyxh2o

    Nub and PND-Question

    THANKS! Haven't found this before, X-Forwarding is now working.
  16. kyxh2o

    Nub and PND-Question

    Forget to say this:  i also tried the nub-configuration, but the program is not starting, dmesg shows me a dump, starting with the repeating error: [39734.376953] UBI warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 86002 bytes from PEB 1868:43544, read only 86002 bytes, retry I get...
  17. kyxh2o

    Nub and PND-Question

    Hi, i am a new pandora user and, what should i say, i love this device. I use it with the Pandora-OS, together with the PanDebian, i have all tools i need for my work as a admin.  i have only a few questions. -My nubs aren' t working anymore under Pandora-OS as Mouse and also not working in...