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  1. V

    Which are the best mice that work with the Pandora.

     I can try to use logicool G510s ,really big keyboard with hub. But, i can't use logicool G600 mouse.(i don't know why they are deferent)   Bluetooth mouse M555b is good
  2. V

    how many 1ghz units have been produced this week? :)

    How many units ( of 100 units of 1GHz) will leave from UK (OpenPandorasales)? Is It deferent?
  3. V

    Japanese Input

     やったね!良かったですね  楽しみです。早く来て欲しいです。
  4. V

    Codename for 1GHZ Pandora?

    wow pretty girl
  5. V

    Codename for 1GHZ Pandora?

    I like Dragonbox's Dragon. he? is cute. I'd like to get this Catalog. It is already in September.
  6. V

    Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

    My queue Upgraded order is #98. No mail for me ,from UK.
  7. V

    Global Components did it again :)

    my pre-order is 22/sept/2009(this is google checkout day) and upgrade 1GHz(queue is 98) but not yet to get T-shirt. almost people wait, i think .
  8. V

    Global Components did it again :)

    Please give me T-shirts also.
  9. V

    When do you send the 1Ghz-Pandoras to customers?

    Another 60 units (1GHz)as same as will ship from Craig ? before 15.aug?
  10. V

    how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !

    when you get OpenPandora,could you give me your queue number also? because i can guess when it will come.
  11. V

    Where are the 1GHz Pandoras...?

     Thank you bukkit. :D when i think both,i am really happy.
  12. V

    Where are the 1GHz Pandoras...?

    excuse me ,but i couldn't up my picture. in my home there are 3 chrysalis of yellow swallowtail butterfly Usually, butterfly come to my garden. i could up my picture only message.but this board i couldn't up. I usually use safari, and sometimes use firefox. how to up my picture. i...
  13. V

    Where are the 1GHz Pandoras...?

    This is a chrysalis of yellow swallowtail butterfly... I am excited to see them coming out as I am excited to receive my Pandora! I am wondering which one will show up first ! someone teach me english
  14. V

    Where are the 1GHz Pandoras...?

    Hello The pupa of yellow swallowtail butterfly. i don't know when they will be yellow swallowtail butterfly. I'm looking forward to it. which is first ? I will be able to receive OpenPandora or 3butterfly will flies away. Both, i am very happy Sorry i could not to up the picture...
  15. V

    Custom Pandora 2

    Bronze? Brass color,purple,pink. i like dragon,too. Gothic theme.
  16. V

    1Ghz Club, new badge

    #98 maybe, almost of the person who placed an order ,want 1GHz order badge, i think.
  17. V

    how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !

    Is it same?!home The 1GHz Pandora 2X last time i order to upgrade to 1GHz.