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  1. MarTinazzI

    A bunch of pictures

    OMG Pyra Pr0n... *-*
  2. MarTinazzI

    Online JoKen-Pon Card (alpha/beta)

    Thanks for reply... the problem is that .... It is in alpha / beta and I'm no pandora, I can not tell if the pandora runs Unity3D games ... = / If anyone can tell me if this game ran on pandora I would be happy. But the idea is if you can test it on your PC. This game is a contest for the...
  3. MarTinazzI

    Online JoKen-Pon Card (alpha/beta)

    Yo guys, Ok here the "Beta" of my little game (that's more alpha-faced ... but ok ...):   or     It is a game of Joken-Pon (Rock Paper Scissors) cards, each...
  4. MarTinazzI

    What Games Have You Finished on the Pandora ?

    My list of games is long... Not to long who I want. but long. From NES to PSX. I don't start playing another game without ending one. except some games lunch break arcades like Twinkle Star Sprites (NeoGeo) or some puzzles. Now I'm to sad to play something without my Pandy. I miss so much... s/2...
  5. MarTinazzI

    Pyra Phone
  6. MarTinazzI

    My Pandy is dead.

    She did not care anymore and is connected to the charger when it starts to heat up... I will always feel his absence pandy ... Now save money and wait for Pyra ... And thanks for all tips. MarTinazzI, rafael.
  7. MarTinazzI

    My Pandy is dead.

    No more, she is not turning on, no LEDs, no Boot, no signs. MarTinazzI, rafael.
  8. MarTinazzI

    My Pandy is dead.

    I'm not with a linux at the moment but I can got one.
  9. MarTinazzI

    My Pandy is dead.

    First loads everything and gave the stripes, now does nothing, not even the LED lights. Rebirth 2012. MarTinazzI, rafael.
  10. MarTinazzI

    My Pandy is dead.

    yesterday, playing breath of fire 3 on PCSX Rearmed, everything is normal until the starts to lag and could not do anything for about 30 to 60 seconds, then everything returned to normal after a while crashed again, so was longer and suddenly the screen went black and white vertical stripes. I...
  11. MarTinazzI

    Making the pandora successor "green"?

    I want a steel or bamboo case for my pandy rebirth. Anyone know where I can pay for made one? MarTinazzI, rafael
  12. MarTinazzI

    Release Monster 2 RPG

    Thanks man, I'm going test now. MarTinazzI, rafael
  13. MarTinazzI

    Kano: "A computer anyone can maker"

    Pandora respray more expensive? Oh god please no... Hehehe but revise, rethink, recreate or reinvent something that already exists is not a problem, look at facebook, is not nothing but a redesigned forum. You take an old concept and reinvent or even just change the view on it (which this...
  14. MarTinazzI

    Kano: "A computer anyone can maker"

    Yes, I know about all of this variables. But the fact is with 100 USD I can't buy a PI (100~150 USD just the hardware) and that stuff in my country, for real, I'm using this project as an excuse to just buy a PI. I don't care if is colorfull, Ok a project to introduction a kid in technological...
  15. MarTinazzI

    Kano: "A computer anyone can maker"

    I really like this project, I aways wanted to buy a Raspberry Pi and the whole... I really thinking in buy a Kano.
  16. MarTinazzI

    Beavior of del key

    Do you can edit the keymap and change Fn+bs (Insert) to del. MarTinazzI, rafael.
  17. MarTinazzI

    Setting qpdfview as the default pdf viewer

    OBS.: Thi Pandora Image View you can configure to auto start, but some other not.... Why? MarTinazzI, rafael.
  18. MarTinazzI

    Setting qpdfview as the default pdf viewer

    I want to know. not just qpdfview, but some other PNDs. Bumping for interest. MarTinazzI, rafael.
  19. MarTinazzI

    Port Requests

    I'm needing two ports, Mono Develop ( ) and Node.js ( ). If some one help I will be so grateful. MarTinazzI, rafael 
  20. MarTinazzI

    Just a think

    The user are stupids. That is the true story.... =\ MarTinazzI, rafael 