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  1. RRGreen

    Pandora Audio Problem

    Having tried it with multiple non-apple headphones etc, I think i'm going to take it apart and perhaps fix it myself. Does anyone know if this will invalidate the warranty etc if I make a mess of it?
  2. RRGreen

    Pandora Audio Problem

    Hello, I've had my pandora for a while now, but recently having tried using headphones with it I've noticed I only get sound out of the left hand side of my headphones. I know it's not a problem with the headphones as I've tried many pairs, fiddling with settings etc. Am I missing the obvious here?
  3. RRGreen

    Should the Pandora 2 be called 'Pandora 2'?

    'Pandora-zed is a nice name, but I think Pandora|| is a simpler and better name.', Katakana formatted text would be a nice feature! :D
  4. RRGreen

    Should the Pandora 2 be called 'Pandora 2'?

    パンドラゼタっていい名前だが、たぶんパンドラ||の方がシンプルでいいと思います. ^_^
  5. RRGreen

    Announcing OpenFire - A strategy-artilery W.I.P.

    Since we've announced this game, we can now take suggestions for features from the community. Feel free to suggest some features for the game.
  6. RRGreen

    Casing colours

    Black Matte here
  7. RRGreen

    [Poll] Inside The Box Issue 2

    I would like to contribute something to this, but I have nothing to write about :( Do you need any help from people for the format, or is that already resolved?
  8. RRGreen

    [Poll] What's best in the P1 - What should the P2 have?

    I assume that by 'Real Linux' you mean not Android, if this is so it may be worth specifying this as some people may consider it 'Real Linux'.
  9. RRGreen

    Please Delete:Radical Hardware Idea for Pandora 2(Outdated 2/22/2012)

    Judging by the large numbers of Pandora2 threads and the like, a poll would be a great idea. Is it possible to make a thread where people put features in order?
  10. RRGreen

    Identifying use cases for the OpenPandora 2.

    Hopefully in Two Months...
  11. RRGreen

    Identifying use cases for the OpenPandora 2.

    I know exactly what you mean, I was just listing purposes for now, so that use cases could be identified for them. What might be a good idea, before listing use cases, may be to find out what sort of things people are using their pandoras for, then how we can best cater for the general trend.
  12. RRGreen

    Identifying use cases for the OpenPandora 2.

    Programming Gaming Editing Documents on the move Portable Web Media Player Graphics Reading Probably many many more...