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  1. M

    Release CPU stress test

    CC 256M pandora: 975 @ OPP5
  2. M

    FUSE emulator...annoying sound

    We wait anxiously for your own emulator, keep it up. While we wait I will use fuse on hotfix 6 on my SD card. Really Thank you for yours efforts.
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    FUSE emulator...annoying sound

    Zxdunny Could you try if worked? Keep it up
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    FUSE emulator...annoying sound

    Any news about fuse new version?
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    Purple Screen

    HI, My Pandora arrived yesterday and is all ok. Thanks.
  6. M

    Purple Screen

    Evildragon, Today I Sent to you my pandora to repair the LCD cable. I hope my pandora is back as soon as possible. Thanks for all.
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    Purple Screen

    I bought it to Craigx but If you cover the shipping cost back to me when I decide to send to you my pandora I will pay my shipping cost. No problem for that. Thank You again.
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    Purple Screen

    OK EvilDragon, thank you. When all things are more quiet and while my pandora screen still works I will wait. What kind of shipping would be? UPS, Postal. Shipping charges are covered by the warranty?
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    Purple Screen

    Thank You craig I will send to ED but I don't remember my order number because I lost it when my computer crashed and I did not expect to use anymore :P If necessary guess I can ask jaqueline for my order number telling her my personal data. Have I pay the shipping or Can I send without...
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    Purple Screen

    Then have I contact with craig instead evildragon?
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    Purple Screen

    My pandora starts to fail the display cable and starts to look purple only if I don't open the screen at all. As I see things are a little satured and from what I read in the forums I should send to EvilDragon with a note with what's wrong for repair to Michael Mrozek c/o Gepixelt GmbH...
  12. M

    Release SuperZaxxon - Beta 3 released

    To Notaz Fuse emulator worked well in Hotfix5, then in hotfix6 failed and was returning to work well in hotfix6a4. From Hotfix7 to SupperZaxxon Beta 3 fuse emulator has annoying constant ticking sound when play games. Can you see that things changed because the audio still fails? Fuse is...
  13. M

    Release SuperZaxxon - Beta 3 released

    Fuse Emulator has an annoying sound from Hotfix 7 to date, on hotfix6 alpha4 the sound is good. Can someone resolve this issue on SuperZaxxon or can't? Thanx
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    PanMAME Betatesting

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    PanMAME Betatesting

    i tried roms from diferent sites with same result. What size has your rom? My is 19.629KB I'm choosing a list of the best roms and I with the letter R, I've only had problems with this rom :( EDIT: Sorry I didn't see msh was reported not work, i will try with another rom of...
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    PanMAME Betatesting

    When i run Marvel Super Heroes i get a black screen with no sound and no errors. my pndrun_panmame.out log is: With Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter and Marvel Vs Capcom i get a black screen too. But Vampire Savior rom has the same resolution that marvel games 384 x224 x59.63333...
  17. M

    PanMAME Betatesting

    Marvel Super Heroes does not work (return to menu) and EURO 951024 starts with black screen but advmame menu works. Someone got it to work? I really love this game. Wonderfull Work Mcobit this mame version is the best for pandora and my favourite emulator :wub:
  18. M

    Release MAME EX - Final Release

    You have to wait till the swap file is created then you can activate the file.Easy
  19. M

    Release Hotfix 6 - Alpha 1 released

    For me Charging in normal mode is OK too. Another thing: Why can not move default firmware applications between categories on minimenu? For example when I want move calculator from others to system it dont let me move or to a new custom category. I want organizate my way, all I have...
  20. M

    Release Hotfix 6 - Alpha 1 released

    Yeah I was in low_power mode.I will try later, now will try your fix for midori and claws mail. Thank you EDIT: Your fix works great,midori and claw-mail works again. Now I will charge my pandora to test in normal mode.