Search results

  1. Cas

    FUSE Spectrum emulator Question ?

    When running FUSE the Spectrum emulator how do I set it up so as to use the D pad etc as the joystick ? I tried setting the emulator for Kempston joystick but that did not work. EDIT : OK, leave me alone it was just the one game that will not respond to using the D Pad, the game in question is...
  2. Cas

    UAE4ALL ?

    Not been around for a bit but on return find a new version of UAE4ALL. On running this you get to choose the old version or the new V2. The virtual keyboard I recall used to work on the old versions of this emulater, on the new V2 I cannot find a way to bring this up. On choosing the old...
  3. Cas

    What is this Program/Software ?

    Found it, it this...........
  4. Cas

    What is this Program/Software ?

    Hmm, not sure it that as I do not see Thorens Quest and the others all in one package, nor do I see the engine they talk of. They all seem to be the 3 dungeon master games and not thorens quest in their own seperate packages. Thanks though.
  5. Cas

    What is this Program/Software ?

    Found some Dungeon Master clips on Youtube and I would really like to know what this software is he is using, it allows him to choose any of the Dungeon Master games including Thorens Quest, see the clip below between 3.50 - 4.15.
  6. Cas

    Deathfire:Ruins of Nethrmore RPG

    New rewards if you back this game now. This RPG has to be made I am banging my drum because I LOVE RPGs as they should be, not just dungeon crawls, so come and join us, this will be one of the best =)...
  7. Cas

    Deathfire:Ruins of Nethrmore RPG

    Hope this OK to put this here as I feel it needs a big push. I do not normaly support Kickstarter projects but being a lover of RPGs and this looks like it is going to be one hell of an RPG I have backed it. It is being developed by Guido Henkel he of Realms of Arkania series...
  8. Cas

    Have a silver pandora? No worry!

    No extra strength here my silver case lid has cracks :(
  9. Cas

    Composite TV Cable ?

    Supple as in as some HiFi interconnect cables are. Yes, seen those and have one of them, pretty stiff. Thanks.
  10. Cas

    Composite TV Cable ?

    Does anybody know where online, I can buy a supple composite cable, you know the type, three RCA connectors, one for TV pic, two for sound. I have one but the wire is really stiff and not supple. They never state supple wire, so just wondered if anybody has a supple version of this cable type...
  11. Cas

    Cracked Lid Repair ?

    Yes, I have realised that since :)
  12. Cas

    Cracked Lid Repair ?

    OK thanks, I did used to worked with electronics and wiring and soldering and stuff so I should be alright with it. Also I seem to recall that the later LCD cables are all in one with the speakers so no soldering, is that correct ? I had one of the new ones put into mine so hopefully no soldering.
  13. Cas

    Cracked Lid Repair ?

    Yes I have seen the one about changing the LCD ribbon cable, so the process is the same.
  14. Cas

    Cracked Lid Repair ?

    My Pandora's lid has become cracked and I have ordered a new Lid from EDs store. Now realised that the job to replace it is pretty much the same as replacing the LCD cable or is it a bit easier ?
  15. Cas

    TV Out Picture in Game

    Just used the HW scaler/overlay. Thought I would see everything on screen if you used this, prompted by Mcobit that you do not. Picodrive I updated to the latest version as well.
  16. Cas

    TV Out Picture in Game

    Thanks all, got it all working now :)
  17. Cas

    TV Out Picture in Game

    Just tried the HW scaler/overlay setting and get no picture at all for anything. PicoDrive also sound no picture. No TV out at all with Vice, Mame4ALL. Snes9xP runs fine as does Mupen64, Fuse, Stella. Seems to be an emulator issue ?
  18. Cas

    TV Out Picture in Game

    Hi Thought I try my new TV out cable this morning as nobody is using the main big TV. All works really fine, wonderfull picture. I tried to use PCSX ReARM, loaded in a game and only got sound no picture, I assume something to do with the emulator as others work OK. Same in UAE4ALL, sound no...
  19. Cas

    Pandora DosBox ?

    Thanks people, it is just that I get in a muddle sometimes with all the this goes here that goes there stuff. Will give it go following the above assistance, thanks :)
  20. Cas

    Pandora DosBox ?

    Being a bit of a numpty when it comes to setting things up and getting them going can I ask a couple of questions. Is there a real basic guide for setting up and getting going DosBox EX anywhere ? This was asked before but time has moved on and maybe more is known now. Could a program like...