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  1. M

    Desert Bus Remake

    Hey guys! I love bringing my GP2X (and a few sets of batteries) on eight-hour car rides, but too often it isn't as fulfilling as I expect it to be... I mean, sure, emulators, homebrew, linux, video, audio; it's all great, but I've always somehow envied the guy sitting in the driver's seat...
  2. M

    Nokia S60 Browser

    They just opened it up, and it's made specifically for mobile devices, so would this be "the" graphical browser to port?
  3. M

    Preventing Dust?

    I just picked up my GP2X for the first time in a couple of days, and there was an incredible amount of dust on the screen. Naturally I picked up a rag to clean it off, but after doing that I realized that the vast majority of the dust was actually under the damn hard plastic cover. There was not...
  4. M

    GP2X Editing /etc/profile?

    This isn't really a dev question so much as it is a Linux question, but it didn't seem right in the general forum. I was looking through the firmware patch files, just for the hell of it, and noticed /etc/profile (which I believe is fairly standard in Linux systems, I just didn't expect the...
  5. M

    Best Mencoder Settings?

    I'm a little bit of a newbie when it comes to Mencoder and Linux in general, so I've been having trouble finding the "best" settings to encode small video files to play on the GP2X. This is the best I've been able to do: mencoder input.avi -oac copy -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=192 -vf...
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    Well, I just ran Robster's utility and I'm pretty sure I'm bricked. Being an idiot, I didn't use the NAND tester before running the flashing utility, and naturally, my NAND had a bad block or something and it died on me at 72%. Since UBoot is working (I do get the black screen with the GP2X...
  7. M

    Power Adapter Woes

    I just went out and bought a power adapter for my GP2X. It works fine, but it seems really strange to me that they'd put it right next to the buttons like that. It's really hard to play anything but Quake with the adapter in. :( EDIT: Quake -> SNES? Weirdest typo ever.
  8. M

    Remove The Screen Protector?

    Apparently there's a vynil layer on the bottom? Oops... I sort of missed it and put the protector on. Now I can't get it off. Any safe/non-warranty-voiding tips for getting it off? Not that I can even see it when the unit's on. It just bugs me.
  9. M

    Which Screen Problems Happen When?

    There've been alot of different screen problems, it seems. As I'm expecting my unit any day now, I'd just like to know which firmware versions have which problems, and which problems are hardware faults. Has anybody written a FAQ or something? EDIT: Exactly today or tomorrow, actually. It's...
  10. M

    New Firmware?

    Well, my GP2X is coming in the mail. I'm aware of all the problems, but it doesn't bug me because nearly all of them are firmware related. But, will there likely ever be new firmware? And I don't even mean an update by GPH... I mean a full-on alternative. And if there is one in the making, does...
  11. M

    GP2X Irrlicht?

    I'm a newbie when it comes to this sort of thing, so don't flame me if this is a stupid question. Would it be possible to use Irrlicht on the GP2X (it does have software 3D and Linux support) at any sort of acceptable speed? I assume the answer is no, but it can't hurt to ask. EDIT: Haha...