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  1. G

    Get Hando A Drink!

    done - for old times sake.
  2. G

    Blu And Gp Link On Uk Ebay Mods, if this is not allowed please delete. If a member here buys, email me through ebay with your member name and post here, and I'll throw in a 128mb card.
  3. G

    Future Pandora's Owners : Where Do You Live ?

    I might suggest you add Scotland, Ireland and Wales to that list. Before you get lynched..:) Either that or change England to UK or BG.
  4. G

    What The Pandora Really Really Needs... Or Not

    .. a ******** release date. edit: uneccessary swearing
  5. G

    Picodrive 1.40

    quite simply, brilliant. Thank you.
  6. G

    Dear Lord!

    all i know is... my brain types a fuck sight faster than my fingers. and.. my mouth (unfortunately) can operate independently of my brain. relevence= none
  7. G

    Your Most Wanted Ported Game On Pandora?

    legend of mir ! run the server on one of my pc's, run the client on pandora. happiness. oh, maybe the source isn't out there - legally that is. grrr.
  8. G

    Gp2x On Eurogamer Site

    That publicity isn't going to hurt :)
  9. G

    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    now that is.....classy. Not sure if I would use one, but if I did, that would be it. Good job, DaveC.
  10. G

    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    loving it so far donated to exo, more for you soon zod :)
  11. G

    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    Zod I vote for zip file support (or better zip file support). Pain to unzip all these files...great work, anyway.
  12. G

    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    Great news, well done.
  13. G

    Going To Korea In A Couple Of Weeks.

    offtopic: If you don't mind doing a member a favour, I know CABBAGES was looking for a joystick thingy for his V43, might be worth pm-ing him.. it was quite cheap (and small) iirc.
  14. G

    Whats It Like Over There?

    We have 'stores', it just takes a lot longer to get there. Once you've fed the pony, shackled up the cart etc, then theres the highwaymen to avoid, not to mention the tortuous route we have to take to avoid plague areas. Sigh.
  15. G

    Retrovirus Rts Website Online

    Damn it - bricked my gp2x. I think I installed "Islamic" rather than "Icelandic" keyboard settings, could this be the problem ? :P
  16. G

    Guess What? A Port Of Gpsp (gba) To The Gp2x...

    Great to hear Zod, standing by if you need alpha testing...
  17. G

    Some News Of Things To Come...

    "Zodttd, Unai, Chui and Tinnus, keep up the good work" ...something we can all agree on ? :D oh, and (zod's) MysteryMan, welcome and good luck !
  18. G

    Some News Of Things To Come...

    Thanks for all your work, Zod ...and good luck unai!!
  19. G

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    "I thought a Xscale ARM was only equivelent to half of the clockspeed of a true ARM core?" tell that to my zaurus..
  20. G

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    offtopic cabbages - pull that damn sticker off screen border will you? :P comes off easy - trust me :)