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  1. W

    Fixing Rss Feed

    Hi GP32Xtreme is my favourite in GP32! Now I wanted to use the RSS feed fpr getting the news. But I have noticed that the RSS feed is not XML Valid!! you can check it for yourself: Validate In this state it cannot be parsed. Can you please fix it??
  2. W

    New Ps2

    I just saw on a website, that the new V12 PS2 has very, very, very big probs with the laser!! Without some extra mods (hotfixes) the laser of the new PS2 gets burned out very quickly with CDR & DVDR! PPL even instantly killed it with CDRW / DVDRW!!! The new laser unit is just too sensible...
  3. W

    New Ps2

    I agree that the new PS2 is smaller and looks way better! But I have to say that not all old PS2s had worse hardware. I have a PAL V3 (the first model sold in germany) bought back on 21. november 2001 (the day it was released!!) I have never had any probs with it! Even today it works like a...
  4. W

    New Ps2

    I complained about the HDD, but I never said I use my PS2 for piracy. I only said that Sony got the new PS2 out because of possible piracy with the HDD. I just wanted to give diablo2 the tip, that the old PS2 is better than the new!
  5. W

    New Ps2

    I didn't say modchips aren't compatible with the new PS2! Just know, that not every Chip works with it!!! (even some of the newest ones have probs) @Octavious: Why do you assume one uses a console for piracy, only because he wants a modchip??? I live in Germany and I don't want to wait till...
  6. W

    New Ps2

    Installing modchips in an older PS2 is not that hard!!! (I don't know about the new V12 ; excluding the V3) But if I were you, I would never buy one of these slim PS2's (V12)!!! Ok, they may be just as big as the xbox controller, and have the netwok adapter built in, but you can't install a...
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    Gamepark, Gp32 2 (project Name) Coming Soon!

    Thne use Connectix Virtual Gamestation, it should run much better than bleem on your system + the compatiblity is much higher than bleem!
  8. W

    Gamepark, Gp32 2 (project Name) Coming Soon!

    Even if the next GP32 has a custom Li-Ion Battery and Gamepark dies, do you really think that only Gamepark would produce compatible batteries (thinking of handys, PDAs, GBA SP, etc) And I would rather save some money, and buy a unit without built in speakers. They sound like crap, and when I...
  9. W

    Gamepark, Gp32 2 (project Name) Coming Soon!

    Getting the bios out of the psx is easy :) Just hook up an Action Replay, connect it to your PC and make a memory dump. delete the nonbios crap from the dump, and you're done :P (many tuts on the net for this) My specs for GP32 II: - CPU: Intel Xscale pxa270 with 624MHz (cuz it's backward...
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    Gamepark, Gp32 2 (project Name) Coming Soon!

    I have another Idear :P Use PCSX, it can work with HLE Bios (you don't need a bios file)!!!!!!! It is not as good as epsxe but waaaaaay better than bleem! And if ya don't need higher resulotions, you could stick with Connectix VGS! It doesn't need as bios file, and works almost perfect with...
  11. W

    New 1.6.7 Firmware

    Ok I flashed to pacrom and then to the 1.6.7 European firmware. It still shows 1.6.6!! Btw. using this firmware shows me no improvements in speed at all!
  12. W

    New 1.6.7 Firmware

    Hi I've just downloaded the new 1.6.7 final Firmware from GP32Spain. after starting the fxe, I pressed the A Button in order to flash (can't read the korean Text ; B did just refresh the screen). There came two progress bars, which were for flashing and verifying (I think). After the progress...