Search results

  1. C

    Freeloader / Installing Smc / Flashing Firmware

    ok....i was guilty of this....and i appologise, but it wasn't that obvious to me. particularly as i bought my gp32 off ebay and had no instructions. also on the newbie page you are referring to it says 'The second way doesnt go through Gamepark registration so you wont be able to download any...
  2. C

    Can Anyone Send Me Free Launcher

    sorted...many thanks all
  3. C

    Can Anyone Send Me Free Launcher

    i have the former 'boot up' screen so i guess i need it ....
  4. C

    Can Anyone Send Me Free Launcher

    i've managed to register at joygp, so i can download some things....but i still can't use freelauncher
  5. C

    Can Anyone Send Me Free Launcher

    so what can i do? do i just have to wait for the site to come back online?
  6. C

    Can Anyone Send Me Free Launcher

    the english download page is down could someone please send me free launcher? many thanks chris