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    GP32 Vns Fade Question :huh: what is a VNS system? sorry if the question is REALLY dumb :D kinda new to the place and this sounded interesting d
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    Looping Video In Gp Cinema

    Is there any way to hack GP32 / GP Cinema to make a movie loop? I'm trying to set up a GP32 unit to play a video file in an endless loop. I can think of an evil way where I have a PIC wired directly to gp32s buttons (stop,rewind,play after a certain amount of time has passed deal) but that's...
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    GP32 Movie Playback Code Exmpls

    Fully realizing that writing a video playback engine is a pretty hard thing to do and not being familiar with the platform. I'll ask a silly Q :P Has anyone written any video playback stuff for GP? If yes is there any sample code lying around somewhere that I can take a look at? GP Cinema...
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    Newbie Q : Gp Cinema

    thank you very much for your suggestion tricks! yafl worked out in the end. I needed to turn the unit off and on after I loaded yafl for it to take hold. Strictly from electronics/programming stand point this doesn't quite make sense but alas I shoulda thought of something simple like that ...
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    Newbie Q : Gp Cinema

    thnx for the replies :D I still struggling with this damn app! grr... let me try to fill in the blanks on what I previously did and then describe my current issues : so I grabed a test file of of entware's site FF10_lee.avi just to double check I re-"translated" it using entware's MovieLink...
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    Newbie Q : Gp Cinema

    hmmm... tryly a newbie question but --> :huh: I downloaded the free version of GP Cinema and a sample file from Entware's website. Tried running it. Select game+press start+ select GP32 Free Laucher + press start + select GP Cinema + press A At this point I get a message in Korean in a red...