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  1. J

    Video Interview With Evildragon

    very good interview, very informative only found out about the pandora yestreday having been away from boards for quite a while sold sept 30 th roll on
  2. J

    The Picodrive Sega Cd Poll

    wot about some driving games f1 world championship, jaguar xj 220
  3. J

    Picodrive 1.14

    great stuff got a few games going f1 circus wonder dog...i had a mega cd year s back and wonderd if games like battlecorps thunderhawk and f1 championship will ever be able to work ,,and thanks again
  4. J

    Mega Cd

    not even a little clue lads of views no answers
  5. J

    Mega Cd

    hi ther me again im having problem getting sonic tp work i got the bios eu us and jap ive got the sonic iso but i cant get it to work ive put the file on to me card in to folder, i can select either bios the cd player comes up but i can t load the iso...tia
  6. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    iwould like to say thank you to evil dragon with your patiance and advice i keeped trying and now ive un bricked me gp2x thankyou thank you very much... i was that close to buying another one...its all about trial and error like every thing in life...ingnorance sux.cheers
  7. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    cant believe it just stays on loading screen gutted its bee 15 minute or more
  8. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    i changed the cardto a scandisk 64mb with 1.4 it updated and hs now gone to the loaading screen does it take a while to load afew minutes have past still green loading screen
  9. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    ive obviously got a differnet problem from every one else because i could see the green load screen but it just dont boot
  10. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    i boot up whille pressingstart and select the screen goes white for a second then to the black gp2x screen then to the green loading screen then i wait but it just stay s is this the only wayno more ways to may be get it to boot seems abit cack to be able to kill a 120 quid hand held by updating
  11. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    if start+select mean at the same time when bootin then yeah ....igot the first edition gp2x does that make any differant ive upgraded to 1.4 before with no probs idid it by the book clean formatnew batts but no luck this time i dont no .. i was enjoying cps2 as well ohdear lol
  12. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    lol hmm getting stressed now... so isis it totoally knackerd is ther gamepark holding web site i can go to seeing it was ther firmware and ask there google it bit there page aint working
  13. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    hm cant seem to get it to work ive downloaded firmware 2.0.0 and extracted the file s to formated card and basically did wot it said but it just stays on the green load screen ive seen no upgradin firmware screen... when i extracted the file to the card ther 2 files which are still zipped od...
  14. J

    Bricked Gpx2

    just tried uodatin me gp2x with firmm ware 2 11 and just stays on loading screen is there any thing i can do or is it dead any help would be nice thank you lol
  15. J

    Best Cps2 Games - Non Fighters

    bets game ive played so far is dimahoo best shooter ive played for a long time
  16. J

    Gngeo Help

    i sorry im having trouble with the bios file s which and where i find them
  17. J

    Gngeo Help

    sorry lads ive not used my gp2x for awhile and im having problems with gngeo
  18. J

    Driving Games

    hi ther i ve got me gp2x out again havent played with it forthe first time about 8 months been busyi had one of the first batch,seems like aload of new stuff out cps2 and all, is ther any new driving games out ive always dreamed of playing rad mobile has this been emulated if not can ya put me...
  19. J

    Tv Out Cables Now Available At Gbax

    postage is a bit much a jiffy bag and first class is the way surely
  20. J

    Gngeo2x 0.6.9 *update*

    no worries ive found the wiki for shell script ill try and make sense out of it...and yeah my first post didntmake much sense.......soz :blink: