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  1. C

    Discussion About Gba Emulators On Gp32

    Then GB/GBC should be possible if it's the very same code of VBA. I still don't get the thing why using actually two different emulators for just ONE gamesystem? Is that so difficult to understand or to "work out"? I guess not. Interesting indeed. But a bit "off topic" too, if you ask me. I'd...
  2. C

    Discussion About Gba Emulators On Gp32

    One Q: Why not?! The GBA is built upon the GB/GBC. If you make an emu of the GBA, GB/GBC works too. Why using two different emus if you can have all engines in one? This is just plain nonsense if you ask me. But anyways... this still doesn't clear my Q: does it actually work - or not (yet)?
  3. C

    Discussion About Gba Emulators On Gp32

    Yeah.. "you" might, but others still have the non BLU/FLU oldschool GP32 that only runs up to 133MHz (or in best case 166MHz) - like I do too! So please stop this mumbo jumbo. You can't expect a program to be good if it relies on overclocking and I think it's a smack in the face to others too...
  4. C

    Gigadrive 0.023

    Please let me set things straight. I never ever whined about "I w4nt t0 h4v34 t3h s0und! N0W!!!111!!!one!". I was happy just to be able to actually "have" a smooth running emulator. If it counts to me, I'm also for the thing "first the compatibility and graphics, then the sound". Everything else...
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    Gigadrive 0.023

    I can wait. I waited so long for several emus on PC, I can also wait for GP32 emus. Not only the Genesis one. ;)
  6. C

    Low Quality Mp3's

    If you like a good sound by less MB, use the latest LAME build (v3.96) with VBR96kbit-112kbit, Joint Stereo, Quality=0. Works great with the "beta 7" player from K2YAA and I get a bit more than 2 albums on a 128MB SMC. If the programer from GP32 MAD would compress the player from 1,1MB down to...
  7. C

    Gigadrive 0.023

    I found some time testing a couple of games with the latest build. To be honest Dave, v0.20 (was it in 166MHz?) was better and ran more smooth. Well that's at least my personal opinion. I tested Ristar, Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. With the 132MHz version it was terrible slow but all frames were...
  8. C

    Gigadrive 0.023

    May I ask what the differences are between GigaDriv, GigaDriv132 (133MHz) and GigaDriv165 (166MHz)? Well... just curious what is what because there isn't anything standing in the readme and the ZIP contains 3 fxe. Thanks in advance. PS: I'd love to see Comix Zone working on GigaDrive. Ristar...
  9. C

    Gp Pong V0.96

    An excellent port of the old Atari version, indeed. But still: too fast! If someone can please inform the developer of this port, the original game really was at least half as fast.
  10. C

    AAC player/decoder ?

    Sorry if I say this, but this is just "blah!". <_< I've seen the issue "you can't code this/that, because it isn't ASM code" or "the GP32 can't handle that, you have to rewrite it" etc so much on this board and still someone took it on and re-coded it, no matter what it was (for example the...
  11. C

    AAC player/decoder ?

    It's not about patents... it's about standards. MP3 and AAC (MP4) is a set standard by the MPEG association. OGG was just a hacked MP3 codec (and is a codec I don't support - sorry). AAC decoders are freely aviable everywhere on the net. Only AAC encoders aren't free. Besides... thanks to the...
  12. C

    AAC player/decoder ?

    I'm looking forward to a AAC implementation (perhaps in the GP32 internal player) too. MP4 is the definite upcoming standard. MP3 is dead in my opinion. To have a good sounding MP3 file on your GP32 you need at least 160kbit-192kbit MP3 no matter if VBR or CBR and with this... a 128MB SMC is...
  13. C

    GP32 Zsnes Gp32

    True that, but isn't it worth trying? Why always relying on "Windows" DirectX coded material if it's sloppy programmed that it jumps right onto your face? The SNES9x has major bugs that show themselves in games and makes them unplayable (like the grafic bugs with Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana...
  14. C


    Military Madness works in "US Mode" only. But I can't get "Puzzle Boy" to run. Neither in "Auto", nor in "Japanese" or "US". Hm... a pity. Guess I have to go back using the GB Version called "Qwirk".
  15. C

    What Happened To Fgb32?

    Yo. I was actually thinking (okay... actually it was while I playing "Donkey Kong" which was... uhm... yesterday) what happened to the Gameboy Emulators. Especially to those from rlyeh. So far this is the best GB emulation for GP32, everything works fine if we talk about monochrome games, but...
  16. C

    GP32 Zsnes Gp32

    After a longer testrage with different games on my GP32 I was thinking about a really serious issue: "why did the fans port SNES9x instead of ZSNES?!". I don't know for sure perhaps the SNES9x is more popular but it has major bugs and even though it's one of the best SNES emulators for Windows...
  17. C

    Opensnes Compatibility List

    Perhaps there aren't, but it is a sad fact that the SNES9x was simply the wrong choice IMO. Besides... someone said in another board section "if we have a source code a port is just a matter of hours". But I'm not a programmer/coder so I can't say anything to it. Sorry. :( Please go on and try...
  18. C

    New Gp32 Mp3 Player

    A 10band Graphic EQ is more than enough. With 30bands you can really fux0r up a lot so I'd recommend even just a 6-8band EQ only. I'm working with that kind of stuff almost every day, so I know the good and bad sides. Keep also in mind that realtime audio processing needs CPU power that could be...
  19. C

    Opensnes Compatibility List

    "Secret of Mana" does indeed load but the Snes9x is surely the isse why most of the games aren't working. One reason: it's the worse SNES emu compared to ZSNES. If someone would have used the source code from that Windows Emulator, every game would work with all layers, less CPU usage and no...
  20. C

    New Gp32 Mp3 Player

    I'm impatient, I know. But I just wanted to ask when we can possibly suggest a beta version for testing? I really like the idea of an alternate player to the original GP32 one (I'm actually using the latest beta) and I'm looking forward to GPMad MP3 player. Keep up the good work - you have a...