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  1. klaxonn

    Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

    And why is that surprising? The situation will change a lot soon, there are a lot of talks about how to do it. It's normal that the media talk about it too especially considering that it concerns the whole population. The situation in EHPAD was talked a lot past weeks. Are you surprised that for...
  2. klaxonn

    Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

    Is it a joke? Every evening the new official numbers are up ( Of course you won't believe these numbers (although France is one of the few countries who actually give statistics about EHPAD), but they do exist. And also worth mentioning that it was a long...
  3. klaxonn

    Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

    But you don't answer the question. And at the end, people are responsible if they don't care about following orders.
  4. klaxonn

    Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

    We get you don't like Macron and its government, but why making it all that political? You asked because of who people are dying. The answer is obviously the virus, not the government. Besides the stupidity of maintaining these elections (which were by the way not in the government own...
  5. klaxonn

    After Warranty Service Pandora

    Great :) So how can I buy this repair? I will need an audio repair too.
  6. klaxonn

    After Warranty Service Pandora

    My Pandora has its screen broken, but the touchscreen still works. I bought at your shop a used screen with a broken touchscreen. How much would the repair cost to have a working screen and touchscreen? (if it's possible at all)
  7. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    It's just that for some reasons, the calculation of the right version of ES fails in .next, you can see the content of the file /etc/powervr-esrev.
  8. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    Packages libvorbisidec1 (A7Xpg), libaad2 (scummvm), libmikmod (ur-quan masters) and directfb (opentyrian) have to be included into the firmware.
  9. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    I've forgotten one recipe that need to be added : libpolkit-gtk-1-0, it has libffi5 as dependency. The attached file have to be installed in /etc/xdg/autostart/ polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop.txt
  10. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    Several problems : - The config file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf is missing, it seems it's not installed by the recipe. - The file /etc/init.d/wl1251.init is missing, the recipe should be included. - in .xinitrc : it should be DEFAULT_SESSION = exec dbus-launch...
  11. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    Xfce settings are easy part. Someone needs to configure the settings in a more ergonomic way and share the files located in /etc/xdg/xfce4 For example the file /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml with pandora button opening the menu.
  12. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    Basic working systemd service for pandora.state pandora-state.service.txt
  13. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    A systemd service calling this script pandora-state would be enough ? :P
  14. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    The config file /etc/init.d/pandora-state isn't loaded by systemd so it prevents some settings to be saved (nubs, brightness, cpu) In this file, it is said that it should be run at runlevels 3 and 5 but it isn't. By creating symlinks to rc3.d and rc5.d, everything work as expected. I don't...
  15. klaxonn

    .next alpha image

    About PND, I've tested several emulators. I've encountered two problems : all /dev/inputs/* need to be rw for all users, and modules snd_seq and snd_pcm_oss need to be loaded. 8blitter needs a symbolic link With these modifications work : 8Blitter, apple][, dosbox, DraStic...
  16. klaxonn

    [Emulator] 8Blitter (MasterSystem/Gamegear/Gameboy)

    Despite these issues, it's the best Gameboy emulator available. For some reasons, this very popular console lacks of love on Pandora. So, any more updates is gladly welcomed.
  17. klaxonn

    Apple II Emulator

    My D-pad doesn't seem to be mapped with arrow keys. Is there anything to do to make it work ? I use the lastest version from the repo.
  18. klaxonn

    Pandora shipment

    I've bought it from ED's shop and it's for France. Germany - France shouldn't take more than 3 days, and i still haven't any confirmation of the shipment. I must say i am bit disappointed, i paid my upgrade almost 2 weeks ago.
  19. klaxonn

    Pandora shipment

    My pandora is supposed to be sent since Friday, i still don't have a tracking number and of course no Pandora.
  20. klaxonn

    Pandora shipment

    Same day as you, but i don't have any tracking number yet. I guess i won't receive my Pandora this week after all.