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  1. Pandamator

    Android gingerbread in a pnd?

    gently caressing i meant. I don't want those cracks to get any larger ;) And a wiki would be great, but it's pretty worthless if nobody continues to work on this project...
  2. Pandamator

    Android gingerbread in a pnd?

    I somehow got it to work without resetting now. Hitting every button and smashing the screen seemed to do nothing. I think the Pandora just might be busy at that moment....
  3. Pandamator

    Android gingerbread in a pnd?

    I just reinstalled everything and after installing the cyanogenmod-provided google apps, I'm stuck at the setup wizard. Is there a way to cancel it? I remember it going away after a while when I first did that....
  4. Pandamator

    Android gingerbread in a pnd?

    I don't think that my wifi issues have anything to do with android, because i have issues in Angström aswell. And as far as I understood, the underlying Angström drivers still have to be loaded, so an error in a driver there would also affect android. @trashymg: I read somewhere that data...
  5. Pandamator

    Android gingerbread in a pnd?

    So, after some testing I can report the following about android games. Canabalt HD works perfectly + you can control it via the keyboard Drop 7 doesn't scale up to the full screen resolution EDGE works flawlessly, you have to tilt your pandora 90° but you can control it with the dpad...
  6. Pandamator

    Android gingerbread in a pnd?

    Wee, thanks to notaz for android. Just saw this a few hours ago! Sent you some cash for ice cream :) even flash is working fast enough on my 600mhz old pandora. Awesome awesome!
  7. Pandamator

    Release SuperZaxxon - Beta 3 released

    Some issues... I was playing Cave story and put it in suspend for half an hour. Turning it back on I could see CS on the screen but everything had crashed. And I'm having trouble accessing the Internet with the Pandora now... And just now, switching on the wireless connection crashed the...
  8. Pandamator

    Release Midori 0.4.3

    Hmm, i don't know what happened now. I was trying to get the pndrun_midori as you suggested, but now the crash isnt reproducable... Before that it crashed on 0.4.3 and every time i opened the repo. maybe it had something to do with the cache but I really don't know and now i'm happy...
  9. Pandamator

    Droidora - Android auf der Pandora --- Hilfe gesucht

    Ist es möglich oder sinnvoll, auf dem Android Emulator aufzubauen, um eine Emulation innerhalb von Angström anzustreben? Ich habe keine Ahnung von der Materie, spiele nur grade mit dem Emu rum und da kam mir der Gedanke.
  10. Pandamator

    neue Version!! Dosbox EX 1.0a als PND

    Habt ihr einen Geschwindigkeitszuwachs gemerkt? Ich hab diese Dosbox jetzt mit stunts, syndicate, xenon 2 und NFS getestet und bemerke performancemaessig keine Verbesserung gegenueber Winbox... Der Vorteil gegenueber der alten Dosbox ist meines Erachtens bloss der Commander, zumindest nachdem...
  11. Pandamator

    Du hast eine kleine Frage? Hier rein!

    Die GEMA verbietet auch dieses Video...
  12. Pandamator

    Du hast eine kleine Frage? Hier rein!

    Ach das ist das gleiche wie für die PSP?? Ja gut, davon hab ich noch zwei :) Dank Dir!
  13. Pandamator

    Du hast eine kleine Frage? Hier rein!

    Sagt mal Jungs, woher bekomm ich denn ein Ersatzladegerät für die Pandora? Beim gp2x shop find ich zumindest nix :(
  14. Pandamator

    Pandora startet nicht

    Das Neuflashen klappt glücklicherweise sehr gut.
  15. Pandamator

    Beta Qbittorrent

    I don't know what happened but now it starts. I have been messing around with the new pnd store and reinstalled the codec pack. Maybe that changed something...
  16. Pandamator

    Beta Pndstore

    Oooh it worked :) The first start failed for some reason but the second worked and it updated 3 programs! Thanks a lot for this! It's just what I needed.
  17. Pandamator

    Beta Qbittorrent

    Here it is. Thanks for your help. The support in the forums is really awesome :) sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu//qbittorrent-1.3.3-pandora.pnd -e -b qbittorrent not mounted on loop yet, doing so LoopMountedon: /dev/loop7 Filetype is ISO...
  18. Pandamator

    Beta Qbittorrent

    I'm using HF5 as well. No idea why this doesn't work. All Pandoras should be the same...
  19. Pandamator

    Beta Qbittorrent

    I cant seem to get it to run. After clicking on the pnd it accesses the sd card for a few seconds but nothing happens. Any ideas?
  20. Pandamator

    Pandora startet nicht

    Na, dann werd ich das mal versuchen. Weiß denn jemand, was bei Aangström als letztes geladen wird? Daran scheints zu hängen. Wenn wir das rausfinden, könnten wir den Fehler vielleicht in Zukunft vermeiden. Update: Reflashen klappte wunderbar. Immerhin hab ich jetzt Icons im Menü. woohoo.