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    About Replacement Styli

    Great news about the XStylus. I'm proud to say I'm a contributor after reading about it on this very forum :D
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    Yes. I was hoping for some C64 emu action at long last but this was not to be :(
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    Official Ginge Request Thread!

    Any news on this folks?
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    Still Believe In Craig & Ed Despite The Recent Revalations

    Just sounds like good business sense to me, I'd certainly be interested even though I've got my pandora.
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    No Emulators For Almost A Month Now.

    :D Good news :D
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    Commodore Machines: Vice2X

    Update regarding Ginge. Have tried various versions of Vice for GP2X & Wiz. Some boot up and display the front end but for some reason all the versions act as if the down button is permanently held down. The cursor goes to the bottom of the screen and you cant move it. Ginge is a really neat...
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    Commodore Machines: Vice2X

    Tried but no joy :(
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    Commodore Machines: Vice2X

    Thanks. To be honest I would'nt have a clue how to go about finding out or what to do if I found the GTK frontend you mentioned,(I had to look up what SDL & GTK meant :blink: ) I'm just a user not a programmer but thanks for taking the time to explain :)
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    Commodore Machines: Vice2X

    I realise that but if you look at the one I've put the link to you will see that the layout is totally different, including the option to 'browse d64.' You told me when I sent you the PM that you didn't take this option out and that your port was as released by the vice team, so the version I am...
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    Beta Upcoming (Hf5) Firmware Image

    Pandora button does nothing for me, in either GUI. The button itself works though.
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    Commodore Machines: Vice2X

    Is anybody planning to port this to the Pandora? It's different to the one ported by Pickle and has some attactive options, like the ability to browse a disc and load a .prg from within the emulator. This is the one for the GP2X:,0,0,0,72,1075
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    Vice Help

    Yes, found some good ones here: I contacted Pickle and he replied that he didn't take out the 'Browse d64' option and that it was how the VICE team had made it so someone else must have included the option...
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    Thanks. I guess I'll be updating then :)
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    Silly question this but I assume that all the pandoras that have recently been shipped have all the latest Hotfixes?
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    Vice Help

    I'll check it out, thanks.
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    Vice Help

    Looks like that's the only way then. Many thanks :) Cant understand why 'Browse d64' is missing though :huh:
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    Vice Help

    Is there any way to access the directory of a disc from within the emulator? I want to be able to run a PRG from compilation discs but cant find out how you do it. I've checked on the Wiz version of VICE and the option 'Browse d64' is missing from the Pandora version. Cant understand why as it...