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  1. B

    dosbox fe increase default c:\ size

    OK, I see now.  To be clear, I did a c:\dir to see how much space dosbox thought was on the c:\ - that's where I saw 262,144,000.  I just copied more files to the appdata\dosbox\games directory, restarted dosbox, and it still sees 262,144,000.  So that number is sort of meaningless I guess. As...
  2. B

    dosbox fe increase default c:\ size

    I searched for an answer on this, but was unable to.  If it already was answered, please forward me there. I just installed dosbox fe,I have files in the \appdata\dosbox\games directory, and they work fine. However, the default hard drive is 250 MB - and I can't seem to find this configuration...
  3. B

    Atari800 5200 Emulation Question

    OK, I'm confused.  After installing, I just pick that I want to use NTSC, and Atari 5200.  I then point to my 5200 bios on my SD card, then pick the cart, then guess at what type of cart it is (usually single or double 5200).  This seems to work and I see the atari logo and the game starts.  I...
  4. B

    Atari800 5200 Emulation Question

    Hello all. First off - just got my new 1 GHz and overall am quite happy with it. I'm trying to get atari 5200 emulation working, and was looking for some assistance.  I tried panmess, but the compatiblity did not seem to be there and I could never get player 1 button 2 to function.  Now i'm...
  5. B

    Wiz-Atari 5200 Question

    Hello all, I'm trying to use the Atari 5200 emulator Wiz-ATARI. I can get the cartridges to load and get in to the start of the games. However, I can't seem to get the START button to work. For example, in Realsports baseball - I can sucessfully use the virtual keyboard to enter # 0 and * to...