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  1. L

    Professional Photos Of The Caanoo

    That doesn't bother me. The most important is sound quality, and the Caanoo does have good sound quality.
  2. L

    Professional Photos Of The Caanoo

    I'm going to be, over the next couple weeks, posting some professional photos of the Caanoo. I use this thing more than anything else, since it's also my portable media player, for MP3's and Divx videos. So here's photo 1.
  3. L

    Picodrive Vsync

    I guess I will still bump this.
  4. L

    Returning Caanoo To

    I have said countless times in the past about the lack of V-Sync in PicoDrive and other emulators. No one seemed to understand the Caanoo to really get a lock on it's refresh rate to fix this. I found it to be closer to 50Hz though, so Having Pico drive run 50Hz games first, runs smoother...
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    Caanoo As Usb Sound Card

    Any programmers here interested in taking up this task? I'd really like to see this happen. The Caanoo has good sound quality compared to most laptops built in sound and this could be used quite well.
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    Caanoo: V400, V500 Comparison.

    The biggest gripe I have about the Caanoo is, the LCD is brighter on the bottom than the top, and it causes an unnatural gradient. Also, my finger keeps slipping off the thumb stick. I wish the thumb stick was shaped more like the PlayStations analog stick on the dual shock.. It's like the...
  7. L

    Caanoo: V400, V500 Comparison.

    I have a v400, but it has some of the v500 traits mentioned in the OP.. The LCD with the matteish finish, black thumb stick grip, 4 button hub is brighter.. Still has the glossy power light though.
  8. L

    Caanoo As Usb Sound Card

    Yea I would think it's possible.. Overide the Caanoo's disk mode USB mode, and allow it to act as a USB audio device (standard audio class), and just stream the audio in real time to the audio output. I would think it's fairly easy to do the streaming, but perhaps not so much on the USB part...
  9. L

    Caanoo As Usb Sound Card

    I was wondering, because the Caanoo has a good DAC for sound, better than a lot of computers, is there an app that can be written, that turns it essentially into a USB sound card? The same USB cable for using it as a SD reader.. I was thinking it could be repurposed to be used as a USB sound...
  10. L

    Jxd S7100, The "caanoo" We've Been Dreaming Of?

    Well, another way I see it, is if they couldn't come up with an original shell design and had to copy someone else, where else was cheaped out? Here's the thing, these devices claim to have emulators built in, but look how that always turns out, compatibility issues. Or how about this, is...
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    Jxd S7100, The "caanoo" We've Been Dreaming Of?

    Looks too much like a PSP clone, and I really dislike those things, because then it's not unique enough for people to go "hey wait, what IS that?"
  12. L

    Gmu Music Player

    Screen Off doesn't turn the screen off, it just blanks it. A true screen off would be great, that way it doesn't use up power. Or better yet, detect when the key lock switch is on and do it automatically.
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    Using GLQuake here I'm getting stuck at the loading screen also.
  14. L

    Jxd S7100, The "caanoo" We've Been Dreaming Of?

    Whats a G18? I tried Googling it but didn't find anything.
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    Firmware Upgrade

    I think it has more to do with FAT16 vs FAT32. The firmware updater likely requires FAT16, and hence a regular SD card, because they usually format as FAT16 due to their size.. I could be wrong though. You have to keep in mind, that the firmware updater is a pre-boot environment. So there is...
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    Spc, Vgm, Nsf, Gbc Players

    Anything? Running this program through Ginge is very unstable.
  17. L

    Hello From Ireland

    I'm 100% sure this is a spam bot. It has nothing to do with anything on this site, other than a test. Who honestly posts on the top forum just to say hi if it isn't an introduction forum. Doesn't happen, not like this specifically. SPAM.
  18. L

    What Colour Does It Come In?

    I took mine on a Pentax DSLR. Only post processing was just the RAW to JPG conversion and downscaling. I'll take a pic in sunlight when I can next week. But I'm seriously not seeing the blue.
  19. L

    How Many Games Do You Have On Your Caanoo?

    I have about 4500 games on my 32GB SD card, all genesis/megadrive. I mainly have more music and movies though.
  20. L

    What Colour Does It Come In?

    Under a flash sideways. That's DEFINITELY black.. The only thing blue here is the LCD, and it's reflection in the bezel. EDIT: Model number: ca-100